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The two lied in the snow for a while, just enjoying each other's company, until Fell shot up.

"Oh shit.. Boss is gonna kill me."

Blue got up and turned to Fell. "Who's your boss?"

Fell turned and faced Blue with a nervous grin. "Ah, he's just my bro. He's really harsh sometimes, and I call him Boss because of it."

Blue looked down. "Ah, I suppose you have to go then." Fell nodded.

"Yeah, I suppose so. Though honestly, I could use a nap." Blue giggled as Fell lied down again. Then it was Blue's turn to shoot up.

"Wait! We can't call each other Sans, that would cause too much confusion!" Fell slowly got up and rubbed an eye socket.

"Fine. I'll be Sans and you come up with something for yourself."

Blue shook his head. "No way! We shouldn't fight over who is called Sans, so neither of us will be Sans. We both need to come up with names for ourselves!" Fell tried to protest but Blue had already gone into thinking mode and wouldn't even acknowledge his presence. Fell sighed and thought to himself as well.

After a few minutes, Blue's eyes lit up and turned to stars as he faced Fell.

"I've got it! I'll be Blue, since my eye lights are blue! What about you, do you have a name yet?"

Fell looked away and shrugged. "The only things I could come up with were Red and Fell."

Blue grinned. "I like the name Fell best. Cause if you were Red, you'd be copying me!" They both chuckled a bit before returning to silence. Fell sighed.

"You know, that was the most fun I've had in ages." Blue looked up with star shaped eye lights. "Really?! Mweh heh heh heh! I, the Magnificent Sans, have cheered you up!" Fell chuckled.

Suddenly Blue's spirits seemed to drop. "Oh.." he said, his voice quiet, almost inaudible. If it weren't for the silence of the forest, Fell would have missed it. However, he did hear it, so he responded. "What's up?"

Blue sighed. "Well, seeing as I'm not from here, I don't really have anywhere to stay. I'd ask if I could stay at your place, but I get the impression that your brother would likely get mad and say no."

Fell nodded. "Yeah, that's pretty accurate there."

Blue grinned halfheartedly. "Yeah, and I don't think anyone else here would be much different." He then got up and stretched. "Well, I suppose we could build an igloo, then it would be like camping!"

Fell sighed. "Sure, you do you. Just try to stay away from the center of Snowdin and keep to yourselves. That way no one will notice you."

Blue nodded eagerly then faced Fell head on. "But you need to go! Your brother must be worried!"

Fell's eyes widened at that. He then spun around on his heel and started running, still having been drained from his earlier beating. Blue called out after Fell before leaving himself.

"Bye friend!"

Fell stopped dead in his tracks. His eye lights were extinguished and his face grew dull as he thought to himself. 'Friend?' What kind of word was that? And to be placed on a monster such as himself? A weakling such as himself? How? How could one call him, the weakest monster in the Underground, a friend?

This left Fell standing in his tracks for a while before he soon snapped out of it, realizing that the other Papyrus was strolling down the path. He stopped to investigate the smaller skeleton.

"Well, good to see you again. I take it Blue went this way? Oh, I would worry. Just in case you were wondering, your bro decided to abandon our squabble to chase after you. Oh, I believe that is him now." The other Papyrus pointed to the outskirts of Snowdin, where, sure enough, a skeleton was running at them at tremendous speeds.

"Toodaloo!" Papyrus called out in a teasing manner before teleporting away, leaving an enraged Edge and a terrified Fell.

"SAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!!" Fell flinched as he heard his name echoing through the trees. The few monsters that were in the outskirts of town stopped what they were doing and froze under the eyes of the Captain of the Royal Guard.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT?!" Fell stiffened up at this and tried to hold his ground. Edge came closer so he was staring down at the nervous skeleton. Fell then closed his eye sockets tightly as he waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And even waited just a little bit longer.

Eventually he cracked open an eye socket to see Edge's most cruel face yet, then found his hand was rushing towards his face.


Fell was knocked to the ground by the blow, having lost his stance. He was then kicked back a bit in the gut, causing him to groan in pain and curl up, holding his stomach the entire time. Edge then proceeded to pick Fell up and slung him over his shoulder. He then turned around and went home, leaving a few stunned monsters in his wake.

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