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It was a beautiful day outside. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming.

And Fell had a headache.

Slowly, Fell began to open his eyes, sunlight streaming through the cracks. He couldn't see, not yet anyway. He tried to sit up but a hand from an unknown source pushed him back down.

"Not yet. I'm just about done here, just relax." Fell thought the voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't be sure. He still couldn't see properly, his eyelights hazy and dimmed from the sleep he had. Suddenly a sharp pain filled his arm as it was dropped from whoever's hands they were. His hissed in pain as he croaked out a single word.

"Ow.." he flinched at his voice as well, it was quite raspy and weak, much worse from what it had been. He felt hands on his chest again when he tried to sit up.

"I apologize. I'm sorry if that hurt you. But I need you to lie still a little bit longer."

Fell was too tired to argue. He gave a weak nod before returning to his original position of staring up to the sky. Instead of strengthening, his eyesight seemed to worsen as he realized he was falling asleep again. He allowed himself to drift off once more, the world fading away to black.

Blue watched their exchange. It had happened twice already, this becoming three. Stretch had believed that the arm would be a simple patch up, though it had been much worse than that. At first he couldn't find any bandages or things to wrap his arm with, so they had to improvise. Stretch had sent Blue to find whatever he could, so he said nothing when Blue came back with the leaves of some of the larger plants in Waterfall. Stretch just silently accepted them as he began to work. He then realized that there was more than just the wounds on his arms. When he discovered it he reluctantly went to Blue to show him.

When Blue saw what his brother had to show him he gasped in fear. All over his body were old scars and bruises. He remembered Fell telling him that he had gotten in a fight, but he didn't think it would be that bad. And some looked to be quite old, others fairly recent. Blue shakily reached a hand out to Fell and touched one of the older wounds. He recoiled as Fell's body flinched violently before going into a trembling sleep.

Now Blue was standing at the back of the igloo, hands clasped together in a failed attempt to comfort himself, trying to distance himself from the friend he had just hurt. He silently watched as Stretch finished working on whatever he had been doing. He relaxed a bit when Stretch turned around to face him with a loving smile.

"It's alright. He'll be okay."

Blue let out a breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding, a small smile forming on his face. He glanced over to Fell's unconscious body, his chest rising and falling in a steady pattern.

Blue looked back up at his brother, a large smile plastered on his face. He rushed over to Stretch and wrapped his arms around his waist in a grateful manner. "Thank you Papy! Thank you so much!"

Stretch only chuckled as he patted his younger brother's head. The two stayed like this for a while, Blue embracing the warmth of the taller, Stretch enjoying the time with the smaller. Eventually Stretch sighed and pushed Blue off of him, earning a whine from the latter.

Stretch smirked. "What, can't stand to be without me?"

Blue frowned. "It's only because your warm!"

Stretch's smirk grew as he had an evil thought. "I see then. I must've chilled you to the bone by letting go. If you were to become alone out here you'd be ice-olated."

Blue stared at his brother in confusion for a few moments before it finally clicked. "Papy! That was terrible!"

"What? You don't like my puns? How cold."

"Papyrus! If you don't stop this right this instant I will ignore you for the rest of the day!"

"Aww, come on. Don't give me the cold shoulder."


"Are you really gonna ignore me?"


"Wow, you were actually serious."

Stretch sighed before turning away and leaving the igloo. Blue did his best to look away and ignore the urge to ask where he was going. He then focused his attention back to the sleeping skeleton. A sudden thought crossed his mind as he remembered his squabble with his brother from earlier. Why did he care for him? He had just met him after all, and he knew nothing of his past. And yet, something sparked inside of him when he was around. Something that told him he was good, and that his status meant nothing. He didn't seem to have any bad intentions, he was just misunderstood. Blue wanted to give everyone a chance, and Fell was no exception.

Blue sighed, realizing that he had been doing that a lot recently. He almost sighed again before catching himself, giggling softly. He then leaned back on his hands while looking up to the roof of the igloo, wondering how everything was turning out at home. Would he ever get back home? Would he ever get to train with Alphys again or help however he could in Undyne's lab? Would he ever get to listen to another one of Napstaton's songs? Would he ever get to see Queen Toriel again? And what if a human falls into their home?

Blue shook his head and pushed the negative thoughts out of his mind. For the time being, this was his home. He would worry about the others later, all that mattered now was surviving in this new, strange place and caring for the ones who are close to him. For now, that was just his brother and possibly Fell, even though they did just meet. But Fell helped them, so he didn't have much doubt when placing in his close friend circle.

All Blue had to do now was watch and wait. He'd find out how Fell received his injuries, and he'd help him in any way that he could. He also try to find out what was wrong with Fell's relationship with his brother, along with Blue's brother. He didn't know why they both seemed to hate him so much. He also didn't like the fact Fell called his brother "Boss" and acted so sheepishly around him. He'd help him.

He was sure of it.

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