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Fell woke up groggily to sunlight streaming through his window. He sat up and clutched his skull, groaning slightly. He felt as if the world was lying on top of him, crushing him by the second. He stood up shakily, still holding his skull, when a wave of nausea hit him. He wobbled this way, then that way, before he clutched his stomach. He finally leaned forward and let everything out, magic infused vomit pooling on the floor.

He groaned, placing his hand on the table next to him. He noticed there was blood on his hand causing him to draw it back. He sighed and rolled up his sleeve.

"Piece of shit.." he muttered as he looked at his arm in disgust. Teleporting to the bathroom he quickly cleaned himself up.

He then left the bathroom and looked around warily, checking for signs of Edge. After seeing none, he sighed in relief, then progressed to the kitchen. Fell opened the fridge slowly, trying not to let it creak. He then grabbed some of its contents and shoved them into the pack he had stolen from the emergency box.

Fell stumbled out the door, shivering slightly from the cold.

'That's weird.' He thought. 'I've never been cold in Snowdin before.'

What Fell did not know was that he had lost quite a bit of blood when he had fallen on the floor and reopened his wounds. When he awoke he found them and quickly bandaged them again, but that doesn't change the fact that he had lost a large sum of blood. When someone does not have enough blood in their system, they get very weak and they tend to get cold very easily, seeing as there isn't enough blood to warm them up. It can also cause a person to become quite frail, shaky even.

The same thing applied to Fell as he fumbled with the keys, nearly dropping them three different times.

"Stupid ass hands.." he muttered under his breath as he finally succeeded in locking the front door. He then turned around and slung the pack over his shoulders, stumbling out in the snow. He slowly made his way through the town of Snowdin, avoiding all eye contact from passing monsters.

Fell glanced around the woods as he exited the outskirts of Snowdin. He walked slowly through the forest, attempting to retrace his earlier steps. He soon found the ledge where they had hung out, then looked to the right. That was the direction Blue ran before Edge took him home. He decided to stumble in that direction, breath hitching as he clutched his stomach.

Fell walked past tree after tree, each one covered in snow. He sighed, bored, as he continued his walk. His arms were starting to sting, but he paid no attention to it and continued on his way. Eventually he saw smoke rising in the distance and started to move quicker.

When he broke through the trees and burst into the clearing, Fell faltered, surprised by the sight before him. Blue wasn't kidding when he said they would build an igloo. They had created it completely out of snow, and yet it looked quite sturdy and stable. It was also pretty big.

Stretch was lying in the snow with his hood pulled up over his head, attempting to sleep. Fell looked over to see Blue tending a fire, poking it every now and then with a stick. He suddenly looked up and made eye contact with Fell as a large smile formed.

"Fell!" Blue dropped the stick he had been holding and ran up to Fell, arms outstretched. Fell saw this and took a step back, eyes wide and a nervous grin residing on his face.

"W-woah pal. No hugs." Blue looked disappointed for a second before returning to his cheerful personality. His gaze fell onto to pack that Fell had. Blue's eyes went wide as his curious mode turned on.

"What's in the bag?" He said, tilting his head at the sight of it. Fell looked at the bag before looking back at Blue. "Oh, this? It's just some extra food we had at home. Figured it would help."

Blue squealed in glee. "That's magnificent Fell! Now we won't have to starve!" Blue reaches out to take the bag Fell was handing him when a bone shot between them, piercing through the bag and holding it against a tree.

Blue spun around to see the attacker then huffed, clearly upset. "Papy! Why did you attack the bag?! Fell was just trying to give us food so we wouldn't starve!"

"That's the point. Fell was giving it to you." Stretch spat out Fell's name as he looked down in shame. He knew he should've left them alone, he wasn't wanted, he didn't matter, he-

"Fell!" Fell looked up to see Blue waving his gloved hand in front of his face. He smiled when he saw that the edgy version of him had returned to his senses.

"Papy had asked you if you poisoned the food. I was telling him no, but he wanted to hear it from you. Trust issues I guess." Blue shrugged as he glanced to the side. Fell followed his gaze as he saw Stretch casually leaning against a tree. Although Fell knew he was watching him. He could feel his eyes burning holes through his skull. He gulped and regained his earlier stance.

"Of course it ain't poisoned! I just said it was from our fridge, why would we poison our own food?!"

Stretch stood up and walked over to Fell in two, large strides. He bent down as he stared Fell dead in the eyes.

"How should I trust you? You have LOVE, meaning you've killed before. How do I know you're not gonna kill us?"

Anger boiled within Fell. "Just because my LOVE is two doesn't mean I'm a ruthless killer!" Fell trembled as he clenched his fists in rage. "Just because my brother is the head of the Royale Guard doesn't mean I'm strong! And just because I'm from Underfell d-doesn't mean I c-can't have any emotions other than h-hate!" Fell's voice broke on the last sentence causing Stretch to step back. Blue however rushed forward once more and tried to calm him down.

Stretch watched as Fell sank to the ground, Blue still doing his best to help him. He watched Fell's shaking body in disgust as he turned away, focusing once more on the bag that was brought to them.

"If you're so certain it's not poisoned or harmful to us in any way, eat something."

Fell looked up at Stretch as he grabbed the bag and reached in. He pulled out one of the contents, revealing an uneaten sandwich.

"This looks suspicious enough. Welp. Eat it. And then we'll see."

Fell took the sandwich warily. He realized none of the food was made by him. None of the food was ever made by him. He had never once heard about eating sandwiches. He feared that maybe Stretch was correct, and that the food was poisoned.

In fact, he was already starting to feel lightheaded. His arms were stinging even more now as the scratchy sweater rubbed against his previously bandaged wounds, now having been reopened by the bandages being torn off from the sweater. He felt the sandwich fall from his hands as the world started to go black once more. He could hear a distorted sound, a voice maybe, as a blurry blue blob appeared above him. He hadn't realized it but he had collapsed onto the snow and was now fighting for consciousness. But why fight when you could laze about? It would be so much better... to..... sleep........

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