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Fell ran off after his... mishap. He quickly left the campsite and ventured deep into the forest, ducking behind one tree to the next. Once he was certain he wasn't being followed anymore, he slowly slumped to the ground while leaning back against a tree. Groaning, he placed his head in his hands, feeling the weight of the world slamming him into the ground. He started to mutter to himself as he recollected himself from the earlier incident.

"Oh my Asgore... I'm such a fool.."

"Friends? How could anyone want to be friends with me?.."

"Ugh, I'm just a worthless monster that's only good for free EXP!"

Slowly the dark clouds of hate seeped back in and caused Fell to black out everything around him, completely focused on the negative air inside of him. He shook slightly as he took every voice's words to heart.




Your own brother hates you.

How could anyone love you?

Fell buried his head in his lap and covered his head with his arms, suddenly longing for the knife that was locked away in his home.


No, Fell thought. House is more like it.

The term "house" gives off a general building feel, as in "It's just another house on the street." Whereas the term "home" means more of a warm, welcoming place, like "It's not much, but it's home!"

So, because of Fell's shaky relationship with Edge, it's reasonable as to why he would refuse to address his house as his "home".

He stood up and glanced around. There wasn't anyone around. He seemed to be completely alone...

So without thinking, he punched the nearest tree around him with full force, creating an awful cracking noise to fill the air. Fell pulled his hand away quickly, realizing that not only had he broken part of the tree, but he snapped a few of his fingers as well.

"Damn it.." he scowled at the mess he had made, blood now trickling out of the wound and staining the previously white snow below. Suddenly, Fell heard footsteps in the distance and panicked.

"Shit, I must've alerted someone to me presence.. damn it, I can't do anything right.."

Quickly, Fell slipped into the shadows and hid from the oncoming intruder.


Blue had been ordered not to leave the campsite after Fell ran off. His brother made sure of it. In fact, Stretch had began to patrol around the campsite, keeping a lookout for Fell. Blue had gotten over his terror after he rested in the igloo. Now he just felt numb, unsure, and...


"Ugh, what am I going to do?.." Blue called out to no one in particular. It was apparent to him that Fell needed help. Badly. But he didn't know what Fell was capable of, and it was obvious that if he made one wrong move, he or someone could get very hurt. But if he left him alone, who knows what would happen.

And where did he even run off to? It's not like Fell was in the greatest condition to go have an adventure through the woods. And with his injuries, it would make it much worse. Plus he seemed way too angry when he left, so his rage may have blinded him and caused him to run off randomly instead of a normal spot.

Wait! If that's the case, then Fell could be lost, or worse, hurt! Blue got off of the hammock he was sitting on and peered out of the igloo. He could still se his brother walking around, his eyes sharp and steady on the unmoving trees.

Blue sighed and muttered to himself quietly. "Oh brother.. when it comes to your actual job, you don't seem to care at all, but you tend to care too much when it comes to me.."

He waited for Stretch to make the round behind the igloo before dashing out. Blue ran quickly to the forest, even if it meant losing his loosely tied bandana in the process. Eventually, he burst into the trees. But he knew he wasn't done yet. Stretch would have likely heard all of the commotion and would go to check out the noise. So Blue continued to run deeper into the forest, making sure to run in a straight line so he wouldn't lose his way.

When he felt he'd gone far enough, he leaned against a nearby tree and tried to catch his breath. He shivered slightly from the cold, his neck feeling incredibly bare.

Blue looked up at the tree, eyes glistening when he saw what beauties it's branches held.

"Apples... at this time of year?" Blue shook his head and put on a determined face. "Well, if those apples are there, then surely they would make a magnificent snack!" He then began to make his way up the tree, struggling slightly.

"Man, Alphys made it look so easy.." he grumbled to himself as he continued to progress further up the tree. His eyes seemed to glow and his eyelights changed to stars as he reached towards the closest apple, his fingertips just barely grazing it's hard and crispy goodness when-


Blue panicked and fell out of the tree, hitting his skull in the process. "Ow..." he exclaimed and he rubbed the back of his skull, sitting up. He tried to focus on anything but the throbbing pain that ebbed in that general location, then went wide eyed when he realized what made him fall.

Blue shot up to his feet, ignoring the surge of pain he felt, and looked around frantically. He seemed to hear the sound coming from the right of him, so he quickly turned and started making his way over. It was slower than what he wanted it to be, but there was so much foliage, and his head wasn't making anything better. But eventually, after causing quite the ruckus, he stepped through the trees at the source of the sound. He instantly smelled a sour stench, one that reminded him of copper and harm. Blue surveyed the area, glancing at all the trees, until one sparked his interest. It looked damaged, almost as if something had been thrown at it or...


Blue quickly looked down, only to be met with a worse sight. Blood. It was splattered on the ground, and there were some traces of it on the wood as well. Blue stared wide eyed and in fear, before quickly turning his head at the sound of bushes moving. He hissed back the pain until he heard a small voice coming from the plant.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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