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EVERYONE RUSHED DOWN THE STAIRS of the brothel, holding up their rifles

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EVERYONE RUSHED DOWN THE STAIRS of the brothel, holding up their rifles. Belle pulled Josiah into the lounge area as the rest of the gang and residents lingered at the doorway, listening to the Deputy Sheriff's words.

"Doc," Belle began, raising her hands to hold his face. His expression was hard, but the second his skin made contact with Belle's, his gaze softened slightly, before switching back to his furrowed brown and hard stare.

"What is it, Miss Tunstall," Josiah practically seethed.

Belle's hands that lingered on his face, fell from shock, much like her jaw. "What?" Belle whispered.

"Oh sorry, or do you go by Mrs Bonney, now!?" Josiah harshly spoke, keeping his voice dangerously low.

Belle's gaze hardened. "You asked me what was wrong, and I told you. I told you not to get mad and yet here you are, acting as if something crawled up your ass and died! I don't have feelings for Billy. There are only four men that have my heart. And before you have another aneurysm," Belle said as she noticed Doc's reddening face. "Those men are my father, my two sons, and my husband. But unless my husband starts trusting me, that love won't last as long as I want it to, got it?!"

Josiah processed Belle's word, taking a few seconds to calm down. "I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault, but seeing you get kissed by Billy hurt me."

"It hurt me too, he's not as tender of a kisser like you, darling," Belle joked, resulting in a small chuckle to emit from Josiah's throat. "Hey! At least I got you laughing again."

"I love you, Mrs Scurlock," Josiah linked his arms around her waist, pulling her forward against his chest. Belle ran her hands gently down his shirt with a dopey smile.

"That's more like it, Mr Schurlock," Belle leaned up to lock her lips with Josiah's. Belle sighed contently, dragging her husband further into the lounge. "I love you too."

Billy watched the couple interact with a heavy heart and a hard glare before he turned his attention to the people surrounding him. "Alright, boys, put your guns away and look respectable. Ladies, upstairs. O'Folliard, disappear," Billy ordered everyone around, sitting down opposite Belle and Doc. Doc had pulled Belle into his lap on the couch, whispering sweet nothings and short poems just foe her into her ear - obviously to show his love for her, but a small part of him knew it was to spite Billy.

Billy huffed, angrily snapping a newspaper open and holding it in front of his face to hide his fuming pout. The deputy sheriff, Deputy Carlyle, hesitantly waltzed through the front door and into the lounge area. "Gentlemen... and lady. Which of you is the leader of your gang?"

Billy slowly lowered his newspaper, "That would be me -"

"Arkansas Dave," Dave introduced himself to the deputy, interrupting Billy.

"You are not, Dave," Billy exclaimed offended.

"I am so!" Dave defended himself. The two men continued their bickering until Belle rolled her eyes and yelled for them to stop.

"Boys!" She yelled. "This is a deputized man. He has things to do, so quit wasting everyone's time."

"Fiesty," Josiah whispered hotly in her ear. Belle giggled, slapping his chest.

"The little missy is right. I'm a deputized man, and I do things the law way. The people out there, they do things their own way. They got their minds set on a hanging. Now, it's gonna be hell if I can't control this situation. So what I propose is this - I understand you have an Indian in your group."

"Yes, sir," Billy smiled. "Jose Chevez Y Chevez."

"If I can give this Indian to those people out there, they'll be well satisfied. The rest of you can just ride out."

Belle's brows furrowed at the proposition. She went to stand up and defend Chevez but Josiah's grip around her waist tightened. "Billy won't give Chevez up, don't worry," he whispered, watching the interaction intently. 

Belle and Josiah watched as Billy and Dave politely stripped the Deputy and Chevez of their outer layers, and swapping them. "Now, Mr Carlyle! I can talk to you, now that you don't look like such a politician!"

"Can I take the Indian or not?"

"You obviously don't understand the meaning of the word 'pals'. Thind I'd hand my friend over to a bucket of mule dung like you? That's an insult! Turn around, Chief," Billy ordered, cocking his gun. "C'mon Carlyle!"

Billy opened the front door. "Alright, you white caps! We're coming out, but we're coming out shooting! Get ready for war!" With that, Billy shoved Deputy Carlyle out of the door, listening to the gunshots in bliss. 

Hendry peaked out the window after all the shots had stopped. "They're leaving. They're skinning out!"

"Pals," Billy announced, holding up a shot glass to all his friends.

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