A Really Bad Day

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Kasuka was awakened by the sound of thunderous footsteps running around. He stretched out, unbelieving he had fallen asleep instead of going home. He figured Senri would be okay, but couldn't help but feel that was wishful thinking. He poked his head out and spotted the necklace being readjusted by him. He took that opportunity to smack a jewel charm onto the dragonfly that would alert him to whatever Senri was doing and allow him to see if he so desired.

He clapped his paws together and found himself outside, standing by a sewer grate. His powers were limited in animal form, but it still got the job done. He scampered around, trying to find a good spot to transform back. He finally found one and was one again happy to be back in human form. He snapped once and was greeted by the familiar smell of antiques.

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Kasuka came downstairs after freshening up and having breakfast to open his store. He put spells on the cleaning tools and supplies, having them do the work for him as he checked the cash register. Everything was accounted for, even Senri's. He took it out and had it sent to his bank account.

"Hey, I said lightly dust!" he fussed at the duster which cowered in shame. "We go through this every morning..."

"Mr. Shibutani!" a small voice called out.

"Oh, what's the news back home?" Kasuka asked as he flipped the sign to open.

"Yuma finally proposed. They're planning to have a small, close knit wedding, Issei's business just landed a big shot, and Yanagi-" she said only to have her mouth zipped.

"I told you not to mention his name around me anymore. Do you understand?" he said, a scary aura emitting off of him.

She quickly nodded then made herself scarce. Kasuka sat down behind the counter as he thought. A name he longed to forget for the sake of peace of mind. It didn't matter what he was up to. Kasuka rested his head against the counter in despair. He wanted to see Yanagi again.

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Senri nursed his nose as he sat beside his boss in a meeting. Thankfully not a lot of bad things happened to him on his way to work and at work, but they always said never count your blessings. And as his luck would have it, the wheel of the chair broke and sent him back first against the wall. Everyone looked at him with concern.

"Ignore me. Continue on, it's great stuff." said Senri, redirecting the spotlight.

He quietly left the room then ruffled his hair. Things weren't going well.

"Meeting's done?" asked Mikage who happened to be passing by.

"No... I need to wipe my nose down but then the wheel on my chair broke and now I'm experiencing back pain." said Senri, making his way to the restroom.

"Maybe I can crack your back for you. I know a few things." said Mikage with a grin.

"No! I... I really don't want to risk it." Senri explained, getting a feeling something could go wrong.

They entered the restroom and Senri had put his hands under the faucet. No water. He tried the others. Mikage tried and water came out.

"Let me help then." said Mikage, seeing the anger present on his friend's face.

Senri let Mikage wipe his face then heard someone walk in. They looked between them before stepping back.

"Don't take this the wrong way! My hands are numb and I can't do it myself!" Senri exclaimed.

"Okay..." they mumbled, leaving the restroom.

"He better not blab..." Senri mumbled, sucking his teeth.

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