More Than Shopping

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Kasuka bustled about his room, trying on outfits and deeming then not to be enough. He soon had a huge pile of clothes on his bed and still nothing on his body. He didn't want to be overdressed as they were just going clothes shopping, but he didn't want to dress too loosely and be labeled a horrible dresser or worse: A bum. He quickly contacted someone he knew was always on top of his fashion.

"If it ain't Kazu! What's up?" they said cheerfully.

"Mini, I need your help. It's been ages since I got this worked up over how I looked." said Kasuka, showing him his pile of clothes. "I need your guidance."

Minato had him show him everything before hanging up. Kasuka groaned then noticed a portal opening in his room. Minato stepped out, taking in his room.

"Human homes are tiny. Putting that aside, I have the perfect outfit for you." said Minato, digging through his pile and tossing him the clothing. "Who's the lucky person that's got you in a fritz?"

"No one... I just want to make a good impression on a new friend..." Kasuka muttered.

"Ah, you can't fool me. It says it all, Kazu. You're so white!" said Minato, looking Kasuka over.

"Stop looking at my aura." Kasuka complained, looking himself in the mirror.

"My bad, my bad. Ah, you look absolutely delicious. I'd smash you in a heartbeat." said Minato, joking about the last part. "Don't worry about anything else, I'll do it for you."

Kasuka sat down as Minato started doing his hair. He averted his gaze from the mirror, wondering why he was getting worked up. It was just clothes shopping. He didn't need this kind of outfit or a really nice hairstyle. Yet he didn't want to not have either. Minato lifted his head and showed him the finished product.

"I can tell you like it. Your aura is so bubbly." said Minato with a grin.

"It's so simple yet pretty... Thanks. Honestly." said Kasuka, smiling widely.

"Of course. Your aura was doing the talking, so I changed it up." said Minato, pulling him back over to the pile of clothes. "Let's get your in a simpler outfit too."

"Wait. The outfit's fine... I really appreciate the help..." said Kasuka, giving him a hug.

"S'lright. Just bring'em home and introduce your future lover to the rest of us. You know we want to see you happy." said Minato, squishing his cheeks. "Best be on my way now. Au revior."

Kasuka waved goodbye as Minato stepped through the portal and disappeared. He looked himself over in the mirror once more before enchanting his clothes, makeup and jewelry to put themselves away. He picked up his bag and made his way downstairs, hoping Senri didn't think his look was completely left field.

He stepped into the showroom and saw Senri waiting outside the door. He took a deep breath before heading over and opening the door.

"Oh, wow. You look, super great today. Got a date later today?" asked Senri, never having seen Kasuka look so... attractive.

"Oh, uh... yeah... kind of." lied Kasuka, knowing he should've taken Minato's offer to change his outfit.

They stood in awkward silence before Senri spoke up, saying they should be on their way. Kasuka locked the door using magic then walked beside Senri in silence. He already messed up and they hadn't even left their meeting spot when he did.

"Uh, so what are you thinking of buying? A new shirt? A vest...?" Kasuka asked, trying to get things on track.

"Oh, I was uh... I was thinking of buying feminine clothing. Like you suggested." said Senri, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "And you seem to have good fashion sense."

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