A Weekend With Danger

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Yuma happily hummed as he brushed Kasuka's hair. He put it up in his favorite bun then smiled in content. Kasuka looked then gave him a stamp of approval.

"Well, I'm not sure I want to do this. He almost killed himself a few days ago." said Kasuka, floating his makeup over to him and finding the eyeliner. "Doesn't he want to rest? He went to work the next day after it. Though I heard Aven gave him some attention for it. Did I mention he has a hopeless crush on them?"

Yuma chuckled as he transformed himself into a small bag charm. He looked himself over then added a small crown on his head. He was really into Senri's life.

"I'm coming with you. I'm interested in that Senri." said Yuma, floating in the air.

"What about your fiancé...?" he asked, seeing a lot of time had probably passed back home.

"He probably doesn't even know I'm missing. Let's go." said Yuma, placing himself in Kasuka's bag.

Kasuka closed up shop then sighed. He gave Yuma a small phone in case he needed to say something to him. He quickly taught him how to use it then hurried on his way to meet Senri.

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"Kasuka!" Senri shouted, waving him over.

"So he's the store clerk that sold you that necklace?" Mikage asked.

"Uh, how I got it is complicated but, yes! He is the clerk. He had a friend but I guess he isn't tagging along." said Senri, noticing Yuma's absence.

"Oh? Who's this charming lad?" Kasuka asked despite already knowing.

"Asagiri Mikage. And you are...?" Mikage asked.

"Shibutani Kasuka. Pleasure to meet a friend of Senri's. He frequents my shop so much it gave off the feeling he didn't have any." joked Kasuka, not realizing he touched upon a touchy subject.

"Let's get moving." said Mikage, pushing Senri forward.

Yuma texted Kasuka, laughing at how he already messed up with his friend. Kasuka texted back saying there was nothing a little magic couldn't fix. He had Yuma pass him the small bottle full of blue powder. He poured some on his hand, whispered to it then blew it towards Mikage. He quickly put the bottle away as Mikage started to sneeze while his memories were altered to make him look good.

"So, where are we off to?" Kasuka asked curiously.

"A theme park! It's been ages since I've gone. How about you?" Senri asked, looking at Kasuka.

"Uh... Lets go with years." said Kasuka, hiding the fact he was too busy to explore around a lot.

Kasuka looked down at Yuma, wondering if he'd be okay by himself. Yuma texted him, assuring him everything would be fine. He had a plan. Kasuka didn't press, knowing Yuma's plans never failed. It was then Kasuka remembered the cursed necklace. He wouldn't just be putting himself in danger if he went to a crowded place. He dug around for his blue powder and altered their memories once more, changing their destination to a safer one.

"I can't wait to go to the arcade! I'm gonna win myself a large plush and name it Knockout Knights 3rd Edition!" Senri cheered happily.

"You need to stop naming things after video games." said Mikage with a sigh.

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Yuma poked his head out and was amazed by the vast amount of things in one room. Children ran around as others played. Kasuka followed behind them then watched as they inserted cards. He didn't have anything like that.

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