Fem!Senri Strikes Again

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Kasuka yawned as he had a pretty great nap. It seemed like no one came which was a relief. He wanted to sleep more but was stopped by the sight of the clear water now turned red. Something was going on with Senri.

"Hey, what's up?" Kasuka asked the bowl.

"Senri has transformed into a woman again and is currently hiding in the men's restroom." it said.

Kasuka cleared out the bowl and temporarily closed up shop. He changed his outfit, deeming himself already effeminate enough.

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Kasuka placed a charm on himself, making everyone in the company believe he worked there. He greeted a few people on his way up to the restroom Senri was in. He looked around before slipping in.

"Senri?" he called out, knocking on the stall door. "Senri!"

Senri opened the door, wiping away his obvious tears. He wordlessly hugged Kasuka, his mind unable to process how and why Kasuka was here. Kasuka moved him back into the stall, locking the door behind him. A person came in soon after. Kasuka kept Senri silent as the man finished up before leaving without washing his hands.

"What's wrong...?" Kasuka asked softly.

Senri pulled away then unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, his chest peeking out. Kasuka nodded, seeing the triggered happened again. He buttoned Senri's shirt up then waited for him to speak.

"I happened upon Aven and a coworker... kissing..." Senri whispered, clutching his heart. "I just ran. I don't know how long I've in here and before I knew it, I was a female again."

Kasuka started making connections while Senri hugged him again. A light bulb went off.

"Senri, I have a theory. About your gender swap." said Kasuka with a smile.

"What is it?" Senri mumbled into his chest.

"You change when you become sad." said Kasuka with a triumphant look.

"Then why didn't I change when I was up on the roof?" asked Senri in confusion,

"Maybe it's selective...?" replied Kasuka with a shrug.

Reality started crashing down on Senri.

"Why are you here dressed like... this and how did you get past security?" he asked curiously.

"A magician never reveals his tricks. Either way, let's get through today. I'll do whatever I can." said Kasuka with a grin.

"Well, okay... I could use an extra pair of hands." muttered Senri, still thinking of the kiss.

"Hey, about the kiss. Wouldn't it be a good idea to learn the truth? Maybe they forced Aven." Kasuka suggested, seeing he was still troubled by it.

Senri nodded. It would also give him an opening for a romantic conversation.

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Kasuka did Senri's desk work while he ran around for his boss. It was a relief to see Senri not freak out over the change again. Though, he worried about Senri talking to Aven alone. He folded an origami butterfly, brought it to life, camouflaged it and had it follow Senri and record his conversation with Aven.

Senri looked at him before seductively taking a sip from his drink. Disgusting was the first word to come to mind. He placed a spell on Senri's laptop, having it complete everything while he watched Netflix shows. He truly felt for humans who couldn't make their lives efficient like naturals could. His phone soon received a call.

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