A Sudden Change

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Kasuka stretched out on Senri's bed and saw he was still asleep. Now was his chance to take the necklace back. He transformed back into a human and stealthily started to undo the hook. Senri started to turn around, causing him to quickly transform back. His eyes soon opened then softened at the sight of Kasuka.

"Good morning, Dugeon Defender 2k." Senri said with a smile.

Kasuka internally groaned at the name. No matter how much he protested, Senri thought he was agreeing. He would've preferred fluff over this ridiculous name. He meowed then hit his cheek with his paw. Senri sat up then pulled Kasuka into his arms. He pressed on the pads on his feet, cooing cutely at him. Kasuka wanted to die.

"Ah, I have to get ready for work. Today I've got to impress someone named Aven. They're really beautiful." said Senri with a smile.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think you and Aven become a thing..." Kasuka thought as Senri put him down.

He attacked Senri's necklace then found himself being hit. Senri then gasped in realization, smothering him in apologies and affection.

"Doesn't look like I can touch it when he's awake. It's like it's using him to protect itself." said Kasuka, remembering when Senri tried telling Mikage but he never put blame on the necklace. "It's smarter than I give it credit."

He followed Senri out the room then hurried over to a window. He quickly transformed and opened it, providing himself a way to escape the moment Senri left. He soon closed it, figuring he could go to work with Senri for the day. His store hardly got any customers anyway.

"DD2K?" Senri called out, shaking a bag of cat food.

Kasuka frowned heavily. There was no way he was going to eat that. He had gotten out of it the night before only because Mikage was present. He needed to swipe salt in order to make it at least taste like something entirely different. He turned into a cat and sped into the kitchen.

"There you are. Make sure you eat up now." said Senri, patting his head before leaving to finish getting ready.

Kasuka jumped onto the counter then opened the cabinet that held the spices. He had them pour themselves into the cat food, transforming the insides into eggs and bacon. He was only able to put some away until he heard Senri coming back. He jumped off the counter and started eating from the bowl, aware that some spices were on the floor.

"How did these get on the floor..." Senri muttered, picking them up and putting them away. "Anyway, I'm leaving. I'll see you when I get home."

Kasuka ate a bit more before transforming into a butterfly and landing inside his bag. He focused his attention as he transformed into a human but keeping himself small. He changed his appearance to resemble a bag charm then finally felt he could rest.

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He wasn't able to get any rest. Senri's bag was constantly moving and banging up against things. He was lucky the bag was never crushed. He poked his head out the bag and saw they were in his place of work. Senri wasn't around and his bag was left sitting in a chair. He put a camouflage spell on himself, giving him the ability to move around more freely.

There was another desk in the room where someone sat, drinking and working on their computer. He squinted to get a better look. It was the president. Judging from everything he's seen, he was more than just an office worker. He was the president's assistant. Senri had come into the room carrying a stack of papers. Both Kasuka and Senri's boss winced as Senri stapled his finger trying to staple papers together.

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Senri spotted Aven walking in his direction as he was making his way to the break area. He worked up a bit of courage and decided to try and talk to them. Just as he got close someone else had captured their attention. Kasuka poked his head out of Senri's pocket, wondering why they stopped moving. Then he saw it. His crush was being wooed by another man.

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