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Kasuka stepped out of the bathroom squeaky clean when he was suddenly hugged from the front.

"Rintaro? I thought you went home yesterday..." said Kasuka in confusion.

"I came back... Hide me." said Rintaro, tears running down his cheeks. "Issei's a jerk."

"Hey, do you want to go out? I'm planning to surprise Senri at work." said Kasuka, hoping it'd take his mind off things. "But, you have to promise to behave."

"I promise." said Rintaro, moving and seeing Kasuka's towel fall. "Your cock is showing."

"You don't have to point it out." Kasuka hissed, quickly ducking into his room.

Rintaro giggled happily while he waited for Kasuka to come out. Kasuka eventually came out in a rather snazzy outfit. Rintaro started tugging on his clothes, seeing Issei wearing something like that.

"Alright, pick one: animal, child or accessory." said Kasuka waving his finger.

"Child!" Rintaro replied, raising his hands up.

"Then you have to swear on your life you won't cause any trouble when we get there. If I hear one complaint from anyone about you, I'm sending you straight back to Issei." warned Kasuka.

Rintaro nodded then transformed into a cute child. Kasuka squatted down then started fixing his clothes, changing him into more appropriate clothing. He made a flower crown appear then smiled softly as Rintaro got excited.

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Kasuka walked into the building holding Rintaro's hand. Everyone greeted them as the spell Kasuka cast made them believe they were a part of the company. Everyone started cooing at the sight of Rintaro.

"He's my nephew. He's spending the day with me." said Kasuka, laughing behind his hand. "Say hi to the nice adults, Rin."

"Hi!" Rintaro said, waving his hands.

"Oh my god, he's so cute! How old is he?" a woman asked, holding his hands.

"I'm over a thousand years old!" Rintaro said with a big smile.

"He's 7 and has a very active imagination. Don't take every he says literally." said Kasuka, pulling Rintaro along with him.

"Where are we going? Oh! Pretty lady!" said Rintaro, pulling away from Kasuka and running over.

"Oh my. Now who might you be little one?" they asked with a smile.

"Oh, Aven. Hi. I'm sorry about my nephew. Come here you troublemaker." said Kasuka, making a leash appear in his bag then pulling it out to put on Rintaro.

"Haha, no worries, Kasuka. Your nephew is really cute. I don't mind spending time with him if he starts to get in your nerves." said Aven with a smile.

"Oh, I couldn't bother you with that. Plus I told him if he didn't behave I'd send him back to his father." said Kasuka, evil hiding behind his innocent smile.

Rintaro became misty eyed at the thought of being sent back to Issei. Aven patted Rintaro's head, hoping to make him feel better.

"Well, my offer is still on the table if you change your mind." they said.

"Oh, have you seen Senri? Is he running around or...?" Kasuka asked, holding Rintaro back with the leash.

"Oh, he's currently in the president's office." said Aven before saying goodbye to Rintaro and Kasuka. "See you both."

Kasuka led Rintaro towards the president's office then knocked on the door. The president allowed him in.

"Senri, hi." said Kasuka, waving to him then greeting the president.

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