Chapter One: Alone, for now

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 Yep. That's me. Alone. I grew up with the worlds best parents. Until when I was 6. Then they were murdered. shot in the heart. Right in front of me. By my only other living family member, My uncle. He was drunk, and they got in a fight. He got mad and left the room. Came back with a gun, and killed them.  Because I had no other family, off to the orphanage I went. I became, well, rough. I threaten the other girls and boys, and they were all scared of me. Heck, I had people who were like 5 years older than me who ran with their tails tucked be tween their legs  every time I walked in the room.

I'm 14 now. I ruled the place now. At last I did, until a few weeks ago.

"Hey, Kaylynn!" A girl named Shawna called to me, "How about you go find your mommy and Daddy? Oh, wait, They're Dead!"She laughed along with some other girls. I've always been sensitive about my past, so I walked up to her and Punched her. I punched her until she was almost dead. Then I punched her a little more. She ended up in the hospital.

"Kaylynn" The director called. I walked in and sat down on one of her chairs, "we are transferring you to an orphanage in Tulsa, Oklahoma." 

I almost Exploded, "What? Why?"

"Shawna is in the hospital, you almost killed her. Just be lucky we are not sending you to Julie" Julie is the meanest person in the world. If I went to her, I would be going to jail for sure.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "When will I be leaving?"

" Tomorrow morning" She said, "So go start packing" 

I stomped out of there and started taking the few clothes I had and my pictures of my family and the couple of other things that I owned.

The next morning i was on a train with one of the adults from the orphanage and to Tulsa. I got to the building and looked up and saw that it was old. It looked like it could cave in at any minute. 

Just than, and old lady stepped out of the building. "Is this Kaylynn Dravas?" She asked my worker, looking at me. My worker nodded and shoved me forward. He walked back to the car that took us here from the train station.

I was showed to my room. I arrived right be for lunch, so I didn't get a chance to unpack. As I went to eat, I passed a mirror. I looked at my refection. (Picture at top) I have darkish brown hair that fades into a bleached blonde from me secretly dying it a year or two ago. I have crystal blue eyes and pink lips. I wore light make up, due to it bringing out my eyes. 

I walked down to the cafeteria and sat down at the only empty table. I wasn't really that hungry, so I just picked at my food.

"Hey new girl" I look up to see a snobby looking girl with her friends looking down at me, "What is your problem? Don't you know this is my table" She shoved me out of my seat. "Get her" she said to her friends.

I walked up to my room. For the first time since my parents death, I felt like nothing. I fell on my bed and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up around 1:30 am. I got up and saw a note under my door. The first one was from the Director. "I saw that you were not at dinner, there will be some food for you when you wake up in the kitchen" It read. I shrugged and I walked out of my room and into the kitchen. Something did not feel right, but I was hungry, so I ignored it. I walked towards the counter and out jumped the girl from earlier and her friends. They covered my mouth and punched me multiple times. I don remember much from there. 

I Climbed up the stairs. I didn't want to be here. It was now 2 am, so everyone was most likely asleep. I grabbed my backpack, still not unpacked from earlier. I opened it up and grabbed out my switchblade and stuffed it in my pocket. I threw on my jacket and re zipped my bag. I slowly opened my window. Luckily, I was on the first floor, so my jump didn't hurt.

I ran. Where? I did't know. I've never been in this town, ever. I ran for about 15 to 20 minutes until I came up to a park. I sat down out of breath. I caught my breath and sat there for about 5 minutes. Then 2 boys, they looked about my age, walked around the park. I hid behind the bench I was sitting on and flicked out my switchblade.  They were talking. I was to far away to hear. Then a blue mustang showed up and a few boys hoped out. There was an argument between the boys and the boys from the mustang. The shorter one of the 2 boys said something and the kids from the mustang grabbed him and stuffed his face in the fountain.  That's when I started to panic. I took my bag off and started to run towards the boys as the other younger boy flicked out his switchblade. He threw his arm towards the guy who was talking to them before they started to drown the kid. I grabbed his arm and threw him backwards.

"Hey!" I yelled, getting their attention. I held up my blade. "Get that boy's face out of the fountain, Now!" I yelled and they dropped the boy. He was passed out, and I hoped he wasn't dead. I held my blade up to the nearest Person's neck,"Leave now" I said in a mean, cold voice. He motioned for his friends to follow him. They ran.

"Ponyboy!" the boy who had the blade yelled as he ran to his friend. He turned to me "Please, Please help my friend!" He was crying. I knelt down and picked up the other kid's, Ponyboy's hand. I placed two fingers on his wrist, feeling for a pulse. I felt the steady thumping of his heart. 

"He's alive." I said, standing up. As I stood, Ponyboy woke up and started to cough out water. He sat up and shivered. The other kid gave him his jacket "T-thanks, Johnny" Ponyboy said. He looked up at me "W-who are you?" I helped him up. "I'm the girl who saved your life" He was kind of cute, even when he was shivering.  

"Thanks, a lot" The dark haired kid said, Johnny I think, "Do you have a name?" 

"Kaylynn" I looked around, "Is there a descent place to sleep around here? I kinda am homeless right now" I smiled and giggled.

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