Chapter 9: Paper work

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Kaylynn's POV

We talked about school, the teachers and Ponyboy's school friends for a few hours. Darry and Soda got home from work and came upstairs. Ponyboy went to the bathroom, lucky for me, when Soda came in.

"How you feeling, Kay?" He ask me, standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame.

"Better, now. Hey where's Darry? I need to talk to him." I looked up from the book that I found on the self.

" He's cooking dinner, I'll go get him. Hey, where did you get that book?" He looked at the book.

"Oh, I found it on the shelf, Ponyboy said I could read it."

"Oh, That was my mom's book. One of her favorites, too" He laughed and went downstairs. I heard foot steps up the stairs and Darry came into my room. 

"What do ya need?" He asked, smiling his rare grin.

"Well, I was wondering if," I looked up at him and gave him a huge smile, "If I could go to school?" By the look on his face, I could tell he wasn't expecting that. Ponyboy appeared behind Darry.

"BOO!" he screams and Darry elbows him as a reaction, in the gut. Ponyboy stumbled back, gasping for air.

"Oh my god!"Darry turns around, seeing his little brother, trying to catch some air, "Ponyboy are you ok?" I sat on the bed, trying not to laugh.

After a minute, a red faced, heavy breathing Ponyboy sat on my bed. I was still trying not to laugh. "What's so funny?" He asked, pretending to be mad.

"How red your"I snorted, I couldn't take it. "Face is!"I was laughing so hard, that Darry, who was still standing there, was laughing too.

After we got done laughing Darry said, "What did you wanna ask me?" I looked at Ponyboy and back at Darry.

"I wanna sign up for school,"I smile. 

" Really? I mean, sure! I don't care. I'll sign you up Wednesday!"He looked at Pony, "I have Wednesday off,"He left the room.

"Yay!"I scream and jump on Ponyboy with a hug. I couldn't wait to start. I wanted to live the experience.

* Wednesday*

I was sitting on the couch with Darry, signing up for school. He was in a good mood, I could tell by the way he was asking all of these questions.

"Hmm, so what is your first name?" He grinned at me.

"Hmm, let me think" I scratched my chin, pretending to think, "Is is Billy Joe?" I guessed.

He laughed and wrote down "Kaylynn"On the paper.

"This one I don't know, really" He looked at me, "What is your middle name?"

I've never liked my middle name,"Promise not to laugh?" I asked Darry and he nodded. "Fay" I said.

(Future daughters names: Kaylynn Fay and Hazel Anne!)

"Aww, I like it!" Soda said from behind me, "Kaylynn Fay!"He sits down on the couch, drinking a Coke. 

Darry wrote down Fay and  my last name ( Dravas) and wrote down Fourteen for age.  He circled female for gender, and filled out the rest of the paperwork.

"Alright!" Darry neatly folds the paper and places it into a envelope. "I'm gonna drop this off at the school and get Pony and Johnny at the movies" He rubs my hair and gets up. I told Ponyboy to go to the movies with Johnny because there would be nothing good going on at home. It took a few minutes, but he finally agreed.

Darry walks out the door, leaving me and Soda. "What's up?" I ask him, leaning back on the couch. I was super bored, when Pony got home, I was gonna beg him and Johnny to go on a walk with me.

"Nothing, much, just work" He said, "How about you?" He raised his eyebrows

"Just, sitting in bed" I laughed and closed my eyes.

"Well, better than getting up at 6 in the morning to work!" He got up and walked into the kitchen. He came back with a plate of cookies, "Want one?" He asked, holding the plate out.

"Uh, do I look like the Grinch?" I swiped a cookie of the plate and stuffed it in my mouth, and spitting it out. "Sodapop Curtis! What is in these cookies?!?!" I took a napkin and wiped my tongue off. He handed me a glass of water and I chugged the whole glass

"Uh, just, chili powder and other things" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Chili powder!" I laughed so hard, I started to snort ( again!)  I continued to laugh, Soda laughing with me. "Hey we should leave these cookies out for the boys"I grinned, mischievously. That would be a great thing to see. 

"Oh my, you are evil!" He laughs but agrees. "You made them, not me" he holds his hands in the air, spilling his coke a little.

"Soda!" I laugh. He cleans up the mess as the boys walk through the door.

"Hey was up-" Ponyboy's eyes flew right to the cookies, "You made cookies!"He looked like a little girl who got a new princess dress. I nod and he and Johnny grabbed a few and stuff them in their mouths.

My smile turns into laughter after the mega expression change in their faces. They ran to the kitchen and I here spitting and the sink running with more spitting.

Darry, who never went for the cookies sat down and shook his head, "You two are just evil"He laughed. 

We laughed and watched movies for a while. It was about 5. I think we were all getting hungry, and Darry noticed this too.

"Ugh, I don't feel like cooking dinner, guys" He stood up and stretched, " Lets go to the dingo"

Everyone jumped up and through their coats on. I still had no coat, so I was using Ponyboy's old one. We all hopped in the car and headed for the dingo.

We sat down, already thinking about what to eat. Ponyboy sits next to me, holding my hand. I lay my head on his shoulder. I couldn't wait for school to starting in a few days. School was all I could think about for the rest of the night.

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