Chapter 16

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"Sodapop"  I jump into a hug. I can't help it. I burst out crying. He hugs me back. I see Steve run up behind us.

"Oh my god!" He yells and reaches for me. I let go of Soda and hug Steve. I cry into his shoulder. 

I look up from hugging Steve and see The rest of the gang- minus Ponyboy. My smile starts to fade, but comes back when Johnny runs at me.

"Kaylynn, oh my god you're here!" He picks me up and hugs me. The rest of the gang pulls me in a group hug. eyes with tears, but all with smiling faces. Even Dally is crying.

 I'm home.

*Ponyboy Pov*

*A few hours earlier*

These last few weeks all I have wanted to do was cry. Kaylynn should be getting out soon, right? I mean, she turned 18 weeks ago!

I get out of bed and get dressed. I pull on a air of jeans and the same hoodie that Kaylynn wore when I brought her to the house. I slip out into the kitchen and take out a piece of paper. 


Going on a walk, be back around 2. I need to clear my head.


I tape it to the fridge and slip on my converse. It was a little chilly for a Summer morning, but it was also supposed to rain later. I walked past everything and sat in park. 

I think I fell asleep, because I woke up to the sun in my eyes and the soft footsteps of a girl with red hair walking by with a suit case. I walked away from her, not in the mood to talk to anyone. I went to the diner, ordering a chocolate milkshake to go. 

I walk all the way around the greaser side of town. I just don't wanna go home yet. I look at my watch. It's almost two. I quicken my pace to go home. I reach the house and look at it. I just got this, feeling. I open the gate and let it slam shut.

*AANNNDDd back to Kaylynn!*

We hear the gate slam shut. We had this plan to surprise Ponyboy. I would sit at the table when he walked in, back facing towards him. (I cut and dyed my hair again, red, so he couldn't tell it was me) Then, when he would come to the other side of the Table and see me, his girlfriend, after 4 years. According to the gang, ever since I left, he has been really depressed, waiting for me to come back.

I sat down at the table, My back facing the door, eating the (amazing) chicken salad that Darry made. I hear the door open.

"I'm home, Dar'!" Ponyboy calls from the front door.

"Lunch is in the kitchen!!" Darry calls back. 

Ponyboy walks in the kitchen, then quickly walks out, "Darry, there's someone in the kitchen!" He whisper/yells loud enough for me to hear.

"I know she needed some lunch and a place to stay for a bit" Darry laughs, "She's 18, so maybe you two could be friends" 

Ponyboy walks back into the kitchen, slowly coming towards me, "Hi, I'm Ponyboy"

I stand up and turn around, "Hi Ponyboy, I'm Kaylynn!"

Ponyboy's eyes go wide, and I couldn't help but smile, "Oh My god, Kaylynn" He hugs me and starts crying, " I thought you were going to forget about me and never come back!"

I start crying (again) "I could never!" I crying into his shoulder. 

He pulls away to wipe away his tears, "Look at your hair!" (just like Sodapop said at the hospital to Ponyboy) 

"I know, you like it?" I say, also wiping away my tears.

"It's so adorable!" He says his voice cracking.

I look at his teary eyes again and laugh. It feels likes its been 20 years since I saw him.

He pulls me in and our lips touch, for the first time in 4 years. I melt into the kiss and smile. 

A cough from behind Ponyboy makes us pull away.

"Ya, know, the other 6 of us haven't seen Kaylynn in 4 years, either. Including me" Steve gestures to himself, "her best friend!" 

"Oh, come on!" Ponyboy glares at Steve. I walk over to Steve and hug him, "You know that I missed you too, bud!" My smile turns evil and I swipe some cake off the counter and smear it on Steve's face.

I hear Ponyboy laugh from behind me. I whip around and get his face, too. 

And that's when The cake war started.

*Two hours later*

I step out of the shower after the last of chocolate cake fell from my face. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. I smile and the thought of being home again. I get dressed and walked down stairs to the living room. Steve and Ponyboy sit on oppisite sides of the couch again, so I rest my feet on Steve's lap and My head on Ponyboy's lap, just like before I left. 

And I fell asleep to the smell of my home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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