Chapter 3: New home

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Ponyboy's P.O.V:

After Kaylynn ran into me, she pulled me into an alleyway and pushed me on a wall."What are y-" She covered my mouth. I looked all around to see what she was so worried about, but as I looked, something stood out.  Her bra. I could see it clearly see it through her soaking wet white t shirt. I felt my eyes go wide like saucers, but I couldn't remove them off her bra. After some people ran by, she uncovered my mouth. She turned toward me and saw that I was looking at her chest. She covered it up with her arms 

"I'm sorry!" she looked really embarrassed, "I had no other clothes and no jacket" she explained and slowly walked away.

"W-wait" I threw off my jacket and placed it on her, covering her exposed places. "I gotta take you home" She was shivering and in need of new clothes.

Now her eyes were as wide, with panic. "No! Please don't take me back to the orphanage!" She dropped down to her knees and it looked like she was gonna cry.

I laughed silently and rolled my eyes, "No, I meant my home!" I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her in the direction of my house. This morning, Soda and I talked to Darry about him slapping me, which is why I ended up in the park in the first place. I'm kinda glad he slapped me, in a way. If he hadn't slapped me, i wouldn't of ran to the park, which is where I meet Kaylynn. I kinda like her. Yeah, I know we just met, but she just was kind of amazing! She saved my life, that's also a reason I liked her, like in movies, but It is usually the guy saved the girl. Her hand in mine just felt so right, and if I was wrong, I don't want to right. Okay, that was really cheesy, but it was true.

" Why were you walking in the rain?" She asked and looked up at me. I looked down at her and realized that she looked really cute in my sweatshirt. I think I'm going to give it to her.

"I had to run to the store, and ran into you! I kinda forgot to run to the store though.." I rubbed the back of my neck. I was really cold, but I wasn't going to say that to her.

Kaylynn's P.O.V:

Ponyboy was so cute! I loved the way he talked, walked, smiled. I was wearing his sweatshirt, and It went down to my knees.

"How tall are you?" I asked looking down at the sweatshirt.

"Six foot" he said.

"Wow, you are like a whole foot taller than me!" I laughed, and saw that he was still holding my hand. I left it like that. It felt right.

Ponyboy took a turn into a small driveway. His hand slipped from mine as we turned, and he opened the door and held it open.

"Ponyboy! Where is my-" A man, not much older than 18, jumped at me. "Who is this?" He grinned an evil grin and said " Is this your girl?" 

Ponyboy laughed, "No, two bit, she's a friend" he moved us into the living room, "Hey, guys" a whole group of guys looked up from their game of cards and looked at me, "This is-" 

"Kaylynn! Was up girl!"  Johnny jumped up from the group of guys and ran over to give me a hug.  "This is the girl who saved me and Ponyboy" He turned to the group of guys with his arm still around me. I looked at Ponyboy out of the corner of my eye, and he didn't look to happy. I waved at the group of guys.

"Is that?" the oldest looking guy out of the group stood up and walked over to me and looked me up and down, "Is that Ponyboy's sweatshirt?" he cracked a grin.

"Oh, lay off, Darry!" Ponyboy said as he stood up, "We had a small situation"

"And what was that?"Darry said to him, teasing him with his eyes

"I kinda was outside all day," I started, wanting to say something, and not wanting Ponyboy to say anything about the alleyway, "In the rain, with a white shirt on and no Jacket" I turned a bright shade of red. 

The group of boys all laughed. "Guys, be nice, she's had it real rough time" He turned to me "I'll let you barrow some of my clothes for now" He motioned for me to follow him to his room. I ran to catch up with him. 

"Sorry about them" Ponyboy said as he shut his door to his room, "They are all like brothers to me" 

"Where are your parents?"I asked, and he looked down, sad

"They died"

"I'm sorry, I didn-"

"No it's ok" He opened to door to his closet and pulled out a black sweatshirt and a pair of jeans with a belt.

"I don't have an extra bra, sorry" He laughed, "The sweat shirt should be baggy enough for you to not have to wear one, but I don't know anything about that"

"I'll deal, I have extra money so I'll buy some things tomorrow," I said. "How old are you?" I asked before he walked out the door

"14" He said and I smiled, "Me, too" He walked out the door.

I slid off Ponyboy's cold, wet, sweatshirt and unclipped my bra. I slid on the new sweatshirt, which still smelled like him. I took off my leggings and slid on the jeans. I had to tighten the belt really tight so it would fit around my waist. I ended up grabbing some tape I saw on the floor and taping the belt. The last hole was still to big. 

I walked down into the living room slowly. If the pants were gonna fall down, I needed to know before I sat down. I walked in to hear the boys laughing and Ponyboy's face red.

"Does everything fit Okay, Kaylynn?" Ponyboy said and everyone turned to look at me.

"Yeah, It's fine, Thanks" I smiled and walked towards the arm chair, which was the only seat open. 

"So," Ponyboy said, "This is Sodapop," He pointed to a tall guy with a bright smile and a red flannel on, unbuttoned to show a white undershirt underneath. He flashed me a toothy grin and I saw the relation between him and Pony. They were both really handsome, but Soda was 16. 

"This is Steve" Ponyboy pointed to a boy with crooked teeth and his jean jacket with the sleeves cut off unbuttoned to show his chest and skin. He looked tuff, and really fun to hang out with.

"And that Dally" He pointed to a tuff  looking guy with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He had his hair really messy and and a smile on his face.

"You've already met Darry and 2- bit, so that's our gang" Ponyboy smiled at me. Then he turned to Darry, "Do you think she could stay with us? She um," He turned to me wanting me to explain the rest.

"I ran away from my orphanage last night." I looked down, ashamed,"I've been wanting to escape ever since my parents were murdered" 

"She could stay in Mom and Dad's old room" Soda piped in, I already liked him. 

"I suppose so," Darry said and the whole gang cheered.

Later that night:

I had my bag in the corner of the room, I didn't have any clothes yet, so I had to wear one of Ponyboy's shirts again.

I sighed and smelled the shirt. It smelled so good. I drifted into a deep sleep. I guess I forgot what it was like not being scared, worried, for the first time in over 7 years, I was relaxed.

I had a dream. I was running. With someone. With Ponyboy. He held his hand in mine as we ran in an open field.

We stopped suddenly. Ponyboy looked at me,with a look of concern in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Kaylynn" He said, and the ground gave away beneath him and he fell into a pit of darkness/

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