Chapter 2: New town, New me

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Ponyboy's P.O.V:

I woke up after my face was shoved in the fountain. I was cold and shivering. Johnny put his jacket around me, it didn't help much, but I was cold. I look up and see a girl about our age standing there. I asked who she was and she told me and Johnny that she saved my life and that her name was Kaylynn. She was really pretty, like prettier than the soc girls, but she was dressed like a greaser.

"Is there a good place to sleep around here?" She looked around and giggled ( A very cute giggle) "I'm kinda homeless right now" 

Johnny's eyes lit up with laughter, "We are too! Ponyboy here got into a fight with his folks and I just don like to go home!" 

"I don have folks to go home to" She looked really upset, "My parent's died when I was 6, and I just got transferred to  the orphanage here" 

"I think I know  a place we could stay" I say as I look at Johnny, "We could take her to the lot?" He nods and we start walking. 

"Hey, Ponyboy," Kaylynn looked at me, " Do you want another shirt? You look a little cold."

Kaylynn's P.O.V

I grab and unzip my bag and hand him a dark red shirt. He thanks me and pulls off his soaking wet shirt. He had a really nice build and it looked really hot. My cheeks started to get hot and I was grateful that it was dark out.

"Thanks" Ponyboy said as he slid the shirt on. It was a little tight, due to me being super skinny and short(I'm 5'1) but it made his muscles stick out. 

"This is our lot" Johnny said as we approached an area full of furniture and other things.  Johnny ran up to a king sized bed and laid down on it, Ponyboy trailing behind. I walked slowly, not wanting to run because I was still a little out of breath from running. "Come on, Kaylynn!" Ponyboy shouted and patted the spot between him and Johnny.

"You wanna sleep, on the same bed?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.

"Oh come on" He laughed, "It don't mean Nothin'" so I laid down and closed my eyes. I was more tired than I thought, because I fell right asleep.

The next day:

I woke up and almost stretched, but there were a pair of arms around me. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Ponyboy was sleeping, WITH HIS ARMS AROUND ME! My face heated up like it was on fire. I look ahead of me and saw that Johnny was sleeping, too. He was shivering and I wanted to help, but I couldn't move. I felt the arms move and I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Oh, crap!" Ponyboy whispered- yelled, pulling his arms off me and Jumping off the bed. He woke Johnny up, which is where I pretended for me to wake up. 

"Ponyboy, what's wrong?" Johnny said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes .

"Nothing" He looked at me, then looked up at Johnny, "Shoot!" Darry and Soda are gonna kill me!" 

"Who are Darry and Soda?" I asked. 

"His brothers" Johnny answered for Ponyboy.

I look up and See a beat up car rolling down the street with "Tulsa Orphanage" written on the side of it. I jump off the bed and hide behind it, pulling Johnny and Ponyboy with me.

"What's the matter?" Ponyboy asked, confused.

"That is the orphanage I'm going to." I whispered. 

After the car left, I stood up and started walking towards town, the opposite way of the orphanage. 

"Kaylynn! Where are you goin'" Johnny called out to me.

"I have somethings to do," I said. I kept walking. I really didn't have anything to do though. I just don't like to get attached. They get taken away from me every time.

A year after staying in the old orphanage, I met this girl named Avery. We were roommates and friends. She was the only person I liked in that place. We became best friends, and then she was moved to another orphanage. It tore me apart.

I started running. I did't feel like talking anymore. I would get too close.

A few Hours later:

It's been raining for a few hours. It's been a hours since the lot thing, I've changed my clothes and now was in a white shirt and black leggings. It was cold, but I didn't have a jacket, so I dealt with it.

I saw the blasted car again. I tried to hide, but they saw me. They got out of their car and came towards me. 

'Fools' I thought as I took off. I was fast. At the old Orphanage, the only fun thing to do was run around the track. That's what I did, planning my escape.

I turned around the corner and rammed into someone.

"Kaylynn!" Ponyboy's Voice filled my ears, along with foot steps. I pulled Ponyboy into the nearest Alleyway and pushed him against the wall.

"What are y-" I covered his mouth so the orphanage workers couldn't hear him. They ran right by the alley and I uncovered his mouth.

I was waiting for the "What the heck" or "What were you doing?" but it never came. I removed my gaze from the street back to Ponyboy and see that his eyes were wide. And they weren't on my face, but on my, CHEST? I look down and see my sea-foam green bra with black polka dots could clearly be seen through my wet, white shirt. I covered my chest with my arms and turned red. 

"I-i'm sorry" I stammered, "These are the only clothes I have, and I don't have a Jacket" I looked down, embarrassed. I backed up and started to walk away.

"W- wait!" I turned to see Ponyboy taking off his sweatshirt and wrap it around me, covering everything. "I gotta take you home" 

My eyes went wide, "No! Don take be back to the orphanage! Please!" I fall to my knees, begging him not to take me back.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, "I meant my home. You need a place to sleep and get warm" He took my hand and started walking.

I really liked Ponyboy already, but I can get to close, or I'll lose him too. 

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