Chapter 12:

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Ponyboy POV: (I haven't done one in a while so why not)

Kaylynn and I had the house to ourselves. We had a Tuesday off of school, so the rest of the gang was already doing something. I was just chilling on the couch with my girlfriend.

"We should do something fun today" I said randomly. Kaylynn was laying her head on my lap, but she moved to look at me 

"Sure!" She said, her sparkle in her eye shinning brighter than most days, "what do you wanna do?" 

"Hmmm" I thought for a second, "Do you wanna go bowling?"

The brightness in her eyes disappeared, but her smile didn't, "Yeah, let me go change!" She bolted to her room.

What made her sparkle disappear?

Kaylynn's POV

As soon as I shut the bedroom door, I let my smile fade. Personally, I didn't want to go bowling, but the look in Ponyboy's eyes made it look like he liked bowling. 

The night my parents died, we went bowling. I was really good, for being 6. I could almost bowl a 260.  My dad said that as soon as I get to middle school, he's signing me up for the bowling team. He also said that about softball, soccer, and drama (the school play). We had a lot more money than most people, but we didn't like to show it off. We lived in an apartment, not a big house, we took the bus, not our own car, and simple stuff like that. Once a month, my parents would take me bowling, just the 3 of us. That's why the memory hurt so bad.

I'm gonna do it for Ponyboy. Maybe he can make me love it again? I really don't know. I slipped on my leggings and a loose t-shirt. Well, Ponyboy's loose t-shirt. I also wore one of his sweatshirts over top. I slip on my tennis shoes and walk down stairs, trying to make it clear that this was gonna kill me.

"Ready to go babe?" Ponyboy asked me.

"Of course" I grasp his hand as we walk down to the near by bowling alley. This was the one place where socs and greaser's hung out. No one jumped no one here. It was a safe fun place, from what he told me. We walk into the doors and the crashing of pins brought back memories.


The ball rolled right into the first pin, knocking the rest down. I loved the sound of crashing pins, it always brought joy to my ears.

"Nice job, honey!" My dad picked me up from behind and spun me around. He placed a kiss on my cheek as I giggled. I could bowl better then both of them combined, and I was only 6. They were 32 and 34, my mom two years younger. They dated all throughout high school and  college before having me after my mom graduated. She was a school teacher and my dad was a banker. 

My mom bowled and got two gutter balls. She turns to us and shrugs her shoulders before laughing.

"Sorry, Mommy," I say giggling, "but you really suck!" 

"Did you just say that to me?" she fake gasp before she tickles me.

"Daddy told me to say it!"  I yell out between laughs.

"Really, Brian?" She looks at my dad, "let's see you bowl"

"Oh, your on, Bethany!" He picks up the bowling ball and bowls, but gets gutter ball, too. 

"Don't say anything, I still have one more ball"  He says before trying again.

He flung the ball, which went right into the gutter. But he flung it with so much force, that it went over the guard rail and into the next lane. It hit another ball and the person who threw it laughed along with us and the workers got the two balls out of the lane.

"We will never talk about this again!" My dad laughs.


Ponyboy's voice snapped me out of thought.

"What size?" The man at the desk asked me, pointing at the wall of shoes behind him.

"Oh, um" I thought for a second, " size 8, please?" He nodded and handed me my shoes. He gave us a ticket for lane 7 (I am going to use 7 a lot, bc it is my lucky number) 

We walked to the lane and sat down to put our shoes on.

"Kaylynn?" Ponyboy looked up at me, "are you alright?" 

"Yeah," I looked at him like he was crazy, "Why?"

"I said your name like 7 times up at the counter!" (What did I tell you! XD)

"I guess I was lost in thought" I said simply. I picked up a ball and read the weight. "9, perfect!"

I bowled the first frame. Well, it only took one ball. I got a strike. I thought it would take a while to get warmed up, but I guess not.

Maybe I would enjoy today.

A/n: sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have been busy with sports and exams. But I posted again so here we are! Please go check out some of my other stories like "Bad girl" or my "Outsider's Imagines!" Thanky! 


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