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Courtney's POV:

He smiled at me sweetly and laughed. "Everything is fine now." He said. I nodded and sighed in relief before stepping back out into the room as he sat down on his bed. I sat down next to him and we began talking again. We talked until almost daylight, completely forgetting we would have to work and would probably not get much sleep at all. I learned so much about him. I learned his favorite things, his backstory and so many interesting things about the boy.

In a way, I felt bad for him. He had to work off his parents debt for the summer, I couldn't imagine having to sacrifice your whole summer to move to some random family's house and stay with them, paying off your parents debt while they do nothing. In a way, I related to him as well, we both seemed alone in the world. A world so small that it seemed to throw us together. I noticed little details about him as he spoke, the way his cute cheek bones stuck out in his features and his one fairy ear.

His eyes sparkled as he talked of his hometown and even when he listened to me talk about myself. I never had anyone listen to me before, like really care for what I had to say. It was nice, having a new friend to talk to. It was much needed, especially in these lonely nights on the farm. Soon the sun came up and I realized I should go before my dad came to wake us both up. "It was nice talking to you Sicheng. I'll see you soon. Also please don't tell my dad we spoke, he kind of told me not to talk to you." I admitted.

"I figured so, he seems kind of strict. I mean, I see why, having a beautiful daughter must make him feel the need to protect her from all boys." He said, making me blush. Without another word, I nodded shyly and ran out, making him laugh lightly as I left and snuck back into my room. I got into my bed quickly and fell asleep but soon had to wake up and get ready for work. I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes as I got up, the sun still barely shining in the window.

As I finished up getting ready, I opened the window slightly to see my dad teaching Sicheng what he needed to do everyday. Sicheng happened to notice me looking, making me shy as he smiled at me while my dad wasn't looking. I eventually walked outside, wearing shorts since it seemed to be hot outside. As I walked outside, I saw Sicheng tending to the garden and my dad was nowhere in sight. "Hi Sicheng." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Oh, hi." He said as he looked up at me, smiling lightly. "Aren't you afraid your dad will see us?" He asked as he turned to me while brushing the dirt off of his overalls.

"He's not paying attention is he?" I asked as I gestured over to him talking to some of the other farm hands. "Well no but.." he started to say before I cut him off. "Come here." I said, pulling him aside. I brought him to the back porch and motioned for him to stay put ad I ran inside. I grabbed some sunscreen and ran back out to him. He looked at me confused for a moment until I explained. "It is really sunny today. I don't want you getting a sunburn." I said as I offered to put some on him. He let me and blushed as I rubbed it on his arms.

"Thank you." He said, smiling. I nodded and finished up. "It's the least I could do. I feel bad that you ever have to be here." I said. "Oh, it's okay, I-" he started to say until we heard my dad calling for me, making me panic and run into the kitchen through the back door. As time passed, I made lemonade for the workers and brought it outside. Sicheng smiled at me and thanked me first as he grabbed a glass. Everyone else thanked me and I could feel Sicheng giving me a look of 'I wish you could stay to talk.'

I felt bad that I couldn't but it wasn't exactly the best idea with my dad on my case and all. I smiled and went back inside to make lunch. As I cooked, I watched through the window, looking at the nature outside as I hummed. "You have a beautiful voice." I heard, scaring me and almost making me drop a glass as I went to set up the table. "Oh, hi Sicheng." I said as I saw him. "My voice isn't beautiful though, I wish I could sing." I said sadly.

"Well I think it sounded nice." He said sweetly. I blushed and thanked him, a little embarrassed that he walked in on me. "So what are you here for? I thought you were still working." I said as I sat stuff on the table. "Oh, I was just wondering if you had anymore of that lemonade. It was delicious." He complimented. "Oh, thank you and yeah, there is some left, help yourself." I pointed to the counter. He smiled and nodded and went to get a drink as I continued to set up the table.

"Here, let me help." He said as he grabbed some plates and began sitting them down on the table. "Oh, you don't have to." I said. "I insist." He said. I decided not to fight back and just let him help, secretly really appreciating it. We laughed and talked as we worked on setting up the dining room until we heard a voice, making both of our smiles drop.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry everyone for the long wait.


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