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Courtney's POV:

"Go out the back door." I said, pushing Sicheng ahead. I managed to sneak him out and run back to the dishes before my father walked in along with a few other farm hands. I waved to them as they passed but my father stayed to ask a question. "Have you seen Sicheng?" He asked. My eyes widened as I became nervous. "No why?" I lied. "Oh, maybe I just missed him." He said before walking back out to look for him again. I sighed in relief. Suddenly I felt a light hug, making me panic.

I turned to see Sicheng there again, making me worried. "Sicheng, I thought you were going to go find my dad and pretend you were outside." I said. "Well, I was but then I realized that I needed to come back and thank you for being so kind to me." He said sweetly. "Aw, you don't need to thank me, now leave quickly before-" I started to say before I was cut off by the voice of my father. "Some of the guys informed me that they saw Sicheng come this way." He said as I turned to realize we had been caught.

Sicheng's arms around me made everything much worse. He let go of me quickly as my dad walked closer. "I thought I told you to stay away from each other." He said, a mean look in his eye as he looked at the both of us. I felt Sicheng grab my hand and hold it tightly as he stood his ground. "Sir, I respect you and your daughter but keeping us from talking isn't right. She needs a friend around here." He said. My dad looked down to see Sicheng holding my hand and looked up even madder than before.

Before he could yell, I spoke up. "He's right dad, he is good company. I'm always alone here and it is nice to have him to talk to. He is very respectful." I said, doing my best to try to make him not as mad. I entangled my fingers with Sicheng's as we both grew more nervous while some of the other farm hands stood silently in the kitchen behind my father. "Well he isn't here to make friends. He will be gone in a few months anyways. Go make some friends down at the market if you're really that lonely." He said, making me upset.

He took Sicheng and broke my hand away from his, taking him outside to put him to work again. Sicheng looked back at me sadly and apologetically. I frowned and watched him walk away as the farm hands followed. I felt bad, like everything was my fault. Well technically it was for talking to him first. But how could I not when he's so sweet and thoughtful and down to earth. He is unlike any guy I have ever met. My heart pounded in my chest, an unknown feeling as I turned around to get my mind off of things, finishing up chores.

"You young lady, go to your room for the rest of the night." My dad said suddenly through the front screen door. I threw the towel down and went quickly to my room. I laid in my bed with the lights off as it started to grow darker outside. All I could think of however was Sicheng. I wondered if he was okay, what my dad might have done, if he even wanted to see me again. I couldn't stand the thought of never talking to him again. Sicheng..are you thinking of me too? My heart began to beat faster as I thought of him.

His handsome figure and tall stature and just everything about him. I felt like I had known him my whole life. I felt like I had seen his face forever. Soon, I realized why my heart began to beat out of my chest. I had feelings for Sicheng. I couldn't believe I could fall for a man so quickly but I did. But it had to be one I was forbidden to see. It was almost like romeo and juliet in a way. Only there is no way he would have feelings back or even be able to see me anymore. There is no way we could ever be together.

I fell asleep, full of worry but it faded as I dreamed of Sicheng, his beautiful features and sweet, deep voice and that smile of his. I woke up to the sound of pebbles hitting my window lightly. I rubbed my tired eyes and adjusted my glasses before looking to see Sicheng close to the window. I opened it and smiled at him. "You're alive." I said, making him smile back at me. "Of course, I just have a lot more work to do. I'm sorry I got you into trouble." He said.

"No, I'm sorry. It's all my fault." I said. Suddenly Sicheng's voice was called by one of the farm hands, signaling they needed him to do something for them. "I have to go, I don't want this to be goodbye." He said as he started to walk away. "Sicheng." I called after him lightly, making him turn back to me. "I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me, kissing his cheek. "It doesn't have to be." I said, smiling while blushing as he did the same. He walked away, a smile plastered on his face as I watched him.

I wondered if he heard how loud my heart was beating. I sighed lovingly and closed the window before throwing myself down in the bed again, looking at the ceiling. I cuddled my pillow and fell asleep again, ignoring any calls from my father trying to make me do chores.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What did you think about what happened? ~-winney-

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