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Courtney's POV:

A bit later, I woke up and put myself together, trying to look nice as I saw Sicheng was still working outside. I saw him through the window and smiled. I quickly went and made some lemonade for the workers but mainly for him and went outside. I walked outside in my shorts and a tank top. I looked at Sicheny in the distance, the sun glistening off of his skin, making my heart beat even more. How could someone even be attractive when sweating?

I suddenly remembered something so I quickly went back inside before anyone saw me. I sat down the tray and got out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote a note and stuffed it in my pocket along with a cookie for Sicheng. I grabbed the tray and walked back outside. I walked to the other people first and handed them their drinks and finally Sicheng noticed I was outside. His eyes never left mine as he kept smiling at me, trying to be secretive but doing a terrible job at it.

After I served everyone else, I noticed Sicheng working near the corn field. I waited till no one was looking before grabbing his hand and pulling him into the field where no one could see us, startling him. "I brought you this." I said, handing him the drink and then handing him the cookie. "Thank you, you're too sweet." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and turned away for a moment, almost forgetting about the note in my pocket. "Oh, here, I have to get back to the house soon before my dad notices." I said, handing him the note. I walked away quickly, leaving him confused as he watched me walk away.

I could see him opening the note as I walked out of the field. The note containing the words 'Meet me at the top of the barn tonight at eight. -Courtney.' I ran back to the house happily and watched the rest of the day go by, waiting for eight. It seemed to drag by slowly, finally dinner time came and the farm hands took their seats and my father along with Sicheng. I ended up having to sit across from Sicheng to make things less obvious. I smiled at him every chance I got as he did the same.

He suddenly mouthed 'I'll be there.' Making me really happy. As it was getting late, we finished up dinner and I excused myself as my dad decided to do the dishes instead. Sicheng watched me go as I went to my room quickly, grabbing a few blankets and a lantern. I snuck everything out the window and ran to the barn with it. I ran up to the loft and set everything up. Soon eight came and I heard Sicheng leaving the house. I looked to see him pretending to go towards the guest house but instead sneaking off to the barn as he held the note in his hand.

I fixed myself up a little as I heard him coming up. "Courtney?" I heard him whisper. "I'm up here." I whispered back. He climbed up and smiled as he saw me. "So what did you want me to come up to the loft for? We could have just hung out in the guest house." He said. I patted on the blanket before speaking. "I like it better up here. Plus I wanted to show you something." He sat down next to me and awaited what I had to say. "You can see the stars perfect from here." I said. He looked up as his eyes sparkled.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said as I looked too, scooting a little closer to him. "Very beautiful." He said, looking at me for a second before turning back. As we watched in silence for a bit, a shooting star passed by. "Make a wish!" I said as I closed my eyes. We both wished to ourselves and went back to looking at the moonlit sky. I suddenly felt Sicheng's hand brush against mine, making my heart flutter. I slowly moved my hand closer, my pinky brushing against his. He looked down at our hands and soon put his on top of mine.

I blushed but still said nothing as I saw him smiling out of the corner of my eye. I closed my eyes for a moment and thought of my wish. I decided I should just go for it and make my own wish come try because I couldn't wait any longer. "Sicheng." I said. "Hm?" He said, not looking. "Sicheng." I said again, looking at his features. He turned to me with worry in his eyes. "What's wrong?"  He asked. I took a deep breath and went for it. "Sicheng, the truth is, I like you, a lot, you've treated me like no other guy ever has and you already mean so much to me and it kills me that my dad won't let us be close and I know you would never like me back and you're here for just a job but I-"

I said quickly before being cut off by Sicheng planting a kiss on my lips. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt my cheeks heat up. I kissed him back gently as it went on. He pulled away to speak, making me miss the feeling of his lips. "I've liked you since the moment I laid eyes on you." He said shyly. Before I knew it, he pulled me into another kiss, his hand finding it's way into my hair, using it as a way to try to pull me even closer as we kissed passionately. My lips moved against his so perfectly as if they were meant to go together.

He laid me down clowly, holding my side as he kissed me still, his tongue brushing against my lip. I opened my mouth slightly as he slipped his tongue in, kissing me even deeper. We kissed for what seemed like hours until we both laid next to each other, trying to catch our breath. "Wow." He said, making me laugh slightly. "Yeah." I responded as we looked up at the sky. I felt his hand grab onto mine and hold it gently. I moved to cuddle into his chest, making him smile. That night was amazing but we made one mistake, accidentally falling asleep in the loft.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What did you think about what happened? 👀 How do you think her father would react if he found out?


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