Chapter 5

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We were back at the school and now Caroline and Alaric knows about me, thanks to my dad. From the looks of it, My dad intends to put aside all the matters he needs to deal with in New Orleans and start hovering over me to make sure I am safe. He had already heightened the security around the school because Malivore is now targeting monsters at me.

" What were you thinking when you jumped into that pit without telling anyone? " my dad yelled at me once I filled him in about my trip to Malivore.

" I am the only one who can end Malivore. Maybe the reason why I am born is to kill him."

" Hope Andrea Mikaelson, you listen to me carefully. Even before you were born, our family had risked their lives to protect you. I had to stay away from you for a very long time so that you would be safe. My point is we did not go through all of this trouble so that you would go on a suicide mission to kill some stupid mud demon. You are my heart and my legacy. " His eyes were twinkling with unshed tears and he moved towards me to hug me.

" It is not like I want to die dad. I just could'nt watch while others get hurt when I can do something to stop it. " I said trying to comfort him that I wasn't suicidal.

" If you want to kill Malivore, we will come up with something to kill it but you will never think about jumping into that pit again and this is not a request Hope. I will get Freya to bind you in the house if I need to."

" Fine dad, I won't. Now can I go? I need some time alone. I will be back soon. I promise. "

He agreed reluctantly. I quickly got out of there before he changed his mind.

Ryan Clarke:

I spotted Landon sitting on bench in a park. He was listening to music while writing in his diary.

Pathetic. I don't understand what Hope sees in him. Here he is, writing about his stupid relationship problems. Of course, what other problems would Mr perfect son have? He is taking all the credit for stopping Malivore when Hope was the one who was ready to give her life for him.

My father decided to let me out on the condition that I help to bring Landon to Malivore and kill Hope. So since I came back, I have been secretly following both Hope and Landon. He is now roaming around with another girl and I have this unexplained urge to kill him for hurting hope.

Anyways what our father has in store for him is far better than death. Speaking about death, I am supposed to kill Hope. Till now I had several chances to do it but I could not bring myself to hurt her. I even saved her out of impulse. I hate myself for that because I have no problem killing other people or monsters. I don't want to imagine the consequences if my father knows about this. I want to be free and the only way is to kill Hope. I have to somehow manage to do it.

" Hey Clarke"

I realised it was Hope even before turning around. I could recognise her voice anywhere. Her voice had became ingrained in my mind ever since we fell into Malivore. She was my only comfort in that darkness, even if it was only for a short while.

Now she walked right into a trap. This is my chance, I have to kill her. As I was about to move towards her to attack her she stepped out of the shadows of the trees, into the light. I was taken aback to see her puffy eyes. Had her father hurt her?

"Hey Hope, are you alright?" I couldn't help asking.

" I am fine. It is just my dad. He was mad that I jumped into the pit. Everyone is much happier when I am not part of their lives. I seem to be a magnet for trouble."

" You are always going to be a magnet for trouble because you are special. You are the only one of your kind. You will have to accept this. None of this is your fault. "

A small smile played on Hope's face. She looked lovely when she smiled. She should smile more often. What was I thinking? This isn't going to end well for me.

" How did you manage to convince your father to let you out? "

" I happen to have a lot of experience in escaping from him." I replied smoothly.

" We need to figure out a way to kill Malivore. I have a theory that me activating my vampire abilities would make me fully tribrid and that should effectively kill Malivore. What do you think?"

This means Hope would have to die and I could not bear to think of it. I realised then thay I would never be able to kill her. That means I have to turn against my father and hopefully kill him or face the consequences if I failed.

" Veritas Tempus"

" Why are you using magic on me?"

" I know you are hiding things from me so I cast a truth spell on you. So tell me, will my theory work?"

" I think so" I said, trying but failing to shut up.

" Why did Malivore send you here"

" He sent me to kill you and bring Landon to him.".

" Of course he did. I thought you are different from your father but you are exactly like him. "

" Ventus"

That was the last thing I heard Hope say before I blacked out.


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