Chapter 8

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I woke up to pitch dark mist and complete silence. I might be somewhere in between reality and afterlife, waiting to be reborn. I heard faint voices in the distant so I got up and walked in that direction.

The voices grew louder as I walked further.

" You can torture me all you want but I will not do your bidding. How many people and creatures I have killed for you? Not anymore."

It is clarke talking with someone. What is he doing here?

"Clarke " I shouted and immediately the mist in front of me cleared and Clarke appeared. A large golem was standing a few feet away from him. I realised with a sudden dread that we were back in the pit.

"Hope? What are you doing here?"

" Look who decided to follow you here. What a nice coincidence. Kill her now and I will forgive you." The golem said eerily.

" Hope, you need to get out of here." Clarke shouted at me.

I tried casting a spell at the golem but my magic was not working on it. That was strange because when we were in Malivore, my magic was working.

" You mean nothing to her. She loves your brother. She finds you repulsive. No one will ever love you. I am the only one you have." Malivore spoke, his eyes were two red shining orbs.

" Don't listen to him Clarke." I shouted but it was too late. I could see his brown eyes turn dark. Malivore was somehow posessing Clarke.

Whatever internal battle that Clarke was doing agianst his father had failed. He had succumbed to Malivore. Clarke slowly walked towards me with a dark grin on his face. A sudden dread went up my spine when I saw his face. Will I be able to protect myself without my magic?

" Clarke? " I tried hoping my voice would have some effect on him. But it didn't.

I tried a magic spell on him instead. It hit him right in his chest and he fell down with a thud. But it wasn't just him who fell. The entire ground was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

However Malivore seemed perfectly fine with what was happening. In fact there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

That's when it clicked in my head. We were not in the pit. We were in Clarke's head. Malivore wants us to fight each other. If I killed Clarke, I guess we would both die because I was somehow trapped here. Either way, Malivore would get what he wants. The only way left for both of us to get out safely is to wake Clarke up.

Clarke had reached me and was trying to stab me with a dagger which had suddenly materialised in his hands.

I kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall down on his back. But he bounced back with surprising agility and came at me.

This went on a while and I was getting tired but he didn't show any sign of tiredness. Malivore was watching us like a hawk but he did not move from where he was standing. Perhaps he was afraid of touching me.

In a momentary slip of my attention, Clarke managed to pin me to the ground. His hand was around my throat. He was trying to stab me with the dagger in his other hand.

With the remaining strength I had, I bit into his hand,making him drop the dagger. To my relief, his eyes were less dark.

" Hope, help me! I can't control it" Clarke said closing his eyes. Tears were rolling from his eyes. I could feel his pain radiating off him.

I was frustrated with myself. He needed my help but I did not know how to help him. As I racked my brain for solutions, I realised that this was Clarke's battle. No magic of mine could be of any use to him. The strength has to come from within him.

He had turned his head to the side and the pressure on my neck increased. " Clarke, look at me" I commanded as I moved his face towards me. He opened his eyes to look at me.

" You are stronger than him. I know you can do this Clarke. I believe in you and I will wait for you however long it takes." I managed to tell him as white spots appeared in my vision due to a lack of oxygen.

His expression changed to something I could not decipher. His eyes returned to their chocolate brown colour and I felt his grip on my neck loosen. Dark mist started to encircle us.

" How dare you disobey me? You unfaithful creature." Malivore shouted. However this time Clarke did not look at him, his gaze was instead fixed on me. Malivore's shouts faded as more dark mist surrounded us, like a protective bubble. I smiled as I realised it was Clarke's subconscious.

His face was now inches away from mine. I could trace his chiseled jawline with my eyes. My skin tingled as his warm breath fell on me. Heat rised to my cheeks when I noticed that his eyes were on my lips. I felt like I was his prey under his gaze.

"Clarke..." I began unsure of what to say. But I did not need to say anything else because he silenced me by pressing his lips onto mine in one fluid motion.

My heart flutters and I remember kissing him back as the world around us collapses.


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