Chapter 11

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Ryan Clarke:

She wants to come with me. She chose me. I had always thought my feelings were one-sided and that she would never reciprocate. I had to make sure this is real.I really don't want it to be some sort of game my psychopathic father is playing.

I closed the distance between us in quick strides. I moved a lock of stray hair away from her face. She looked up intently and held my gaze.

" You are real." I said, sighing in relief.

" Yeah, this is real." she replied softly. She bit her lower lip nervously. So cute.

I leaned forward and stopped inches away from her lips. Her scent of lavender overwhelmed my senses. She sighed as I gently grazed her lower lip with my thumb. She can say no and stop this if she wants to. Instead, she pressed her lips against mine in a swift moment.

I was taken by surprise at first but then as I felt the soft pressure of her lips on mine, my body reacted on its own, kissing her back. Our lips begin to move in sync and electricity shot through me. The kiss was slow and tentative, exploring each other.

"Ryan" She moaned as I ran my fingers through her luscious brown hair. Hearing my name from her lips like that flipped on a switch in me and I groaned. I pulled her closer to me and cupped her cheeks as I fought with her tongue for control. Her hands reached out, fingers that I have seen snap necks, now like gentle feathers as they ran up my chest. One hand came to rest on my hammering heart and her heart was pumping equally hard.

We finally pulled apart to catch our breath. " Woah" I sighed as I rested my forehead against hers. My breath came in short bursts. Hope's eyes were closed as she sighed, a blissful smile spread across her beautiful face.

" I had been wanting to do this for a while now." Hope replied softly.

This girl is going to be the end of me. I grinned as I pulled her in for another kiss.


Ryan's genuine smile made my stomach swoop. This time when he kissed me, he was not holding back anymore. The kiss was heated and filled with need. Our tongues fought for control as I tangled my fingers in his soft, curly brown hair. My other hand grabbed onto his shoulder, bringing him closer to me.

Suddenly there were too many clothes. I tugged at his shirt wanting to pull it off him. He obliged and yanked off his shirt. He then left searing kisses on my exposed skin as he helped me off my crop top, leaving me in my bra and jeans.

Ryan's lips moved onto my neck and continued their merciless assault. I arch my back, wanting nothing more than to meld my body into his. He was an expert at making me forget all my worries and pain. If only I had realised my feelings for him earlier, I could have been riding this high a long time ago.

"Ryan" I moaned as he found the sensitive spot near my collarbone. That spot is sensitive for female werewolves as that is the spot where they are marked by their partners. I wonder if he knows. He started nibbling and sucking at the spot.

My werewolf instincts were taking over me and my mind became clouded with pleasure.Ryan's touch was driving my heightened senses crazy. My knees buckled as I felt pleasure in every nerve ending.

I would have fallen down if Ryan's strong arms hadn't caught me. "Hope" He said softly, staring at my eyes in awe.With my werewolf senses taking over me, my eyes must have turned golden-black by now.

My breath hitched when I saw the tender expression on his face. No guy had ever looked at me with so much love. A whine escaped from my mouth as my inner wolf complained, wanting more.

"Are you alright love?" He asked as he lifted and carried me in bridal style to the bed and laid me down gently. He laid down beside me and caressed my cheek.

"I'm fine. Ryan please... continue." I breathed. I run my fingers on his naked chest, tracing his abs. His muscles became taut under my touch and he let out a low growl.

He flipped me over so that he was on top. His eyes became a dark brown colour.

" You are so beautiful Hope." He says as he starts kissing my stomach, moving up to my chest. I guided him to my neck. His teeth scraped at the juncture between my neck and my collarbone.

Without warning he bit into my skin. I yelped at the initial pain as his fangs tore into my skin. The pain quickly turned into pleasure as he started sucking my blood and endorphins rushed through my body. I scratched his back with my nails, earning groans from him.

I could feel my energy drain away as Ryan licked the mark clean of my blood. "Ryan" I said breathlessly. His mark won't be the same as the mark of a werewolf and it won't connect me to a pack but it was special and it made me feel wanted.

"Stay" I mumbled to him, as sleep descended on my body.

"I will be here. Sleep well love." He replied, kissing my forehead gently. He held me in his arms and whispered sweet nothings as my eyes fluttered closed into the most blissful sleep I had ever had.


Hey, hope you liked the chapter!
For those who are asking why I haven't been updating, 2020 was tough year for everybody. I am in college and I have to juggle between school and my other writing projects. However, I plan on updating soon! Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions on any relationships you would like to see within the characters in legacies, do let me know. I could include it in this book or do a one-shot of it.

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