Chapter 10

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How the hell did the pit just dissolve into thin air? I looked at Ryan for answers but he looked just as puzzled as me. 

" I don't understand. Do you have any theories? Can you hear him? " I said aloud. 

"No" He said, frowning in concentration, trying to sense his father. 

" We will have to find out what is happening. I will do some research using my grandmother's books." I told him, already thinking about which books to look through first. 

"I will meet you later Hope." Ryan said and left hastily. Something about him was off since yesterday. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. 

My father and aunt Freya were gone and the house was empty. As I reached my room, I was startled by a voice.


I recognized the voice immediately. The boy that left a hole in my heart. Landon. 

" Landon. What are you doing here? " I said instinctively. 

" I saw you the other day at the school. Why didn't you tell me anything? I don't know how I could forget you. My memories came tumbling back just now." He said, frustrated. 

"I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. You looked so happy with Josie." I replied. I didn't bother to stop the tears falling freely down my cheeks. 

Landon closed the distance and hugged me.

" What were you doing alone all this while? " He asked.

" I was not alone. Clarke and I worked together to try to kill Malivore but he somehow escaped." 

"Clarke and you? How could you trust him? He was the one who brought Malivore back to life." He asked, releasing me form the hug.

"Yes, but he is not as bad as you think he is. He helped me escape from Malivore and helped me." 
I said trying to explain to Landon. 

"What? Now you are defending that mud monster? Wait! Are you two together or something?"  He questioned angrily. 

My temper rose suddenly. I just couldn't bear to hear him insult clarke. 

" He is not a monster!" I shouted at him. 

" So this is how it is then? How could you choose him over me?" He shouted back. 

" How can you even say that? " I asked, anger threatening to take over me. He doesn't even know half of what I went through. The trees nearby shook violently and I knew the whole place will be in ruins if I don't keep my anger in check.

" Ryan and I were busy trying to kill Malivore while you were having a good time with Josie. If anyone should be angry it should be me." I shouted back. 

" I would have never gotten into a relationship with Josie if my memory of you wasn't wiped out. You know that. But your memory is not lost. How could you do this to me?" He retorted back. 

"It was a mistake coming here. You clearly don't need me in your life anymore." He continued. 

" Just wait and watch Hope. He will kill you himself. He is his father's son." Landon said as he left. It took all of my restraint not to hit landon with a spell. 

I should have tried to stop him and talk to him but I stood rooted to the spot. But what is there left to talk? He did not even bother to understand what I was going through and how I felt. Maybe he never did understand me and he never will. It just took me until now to realise this. 

To shake off my anger, I dove right into the books in my library.

Clarke came in the cover of night. 

" You are still at it?" He asked, emerging from the shadows. Concern was laced in his voice. I was surprised to find him in a black t-shirt and jeans. He usually wore a suit and I thought he looked good in them but the casual clothes he wore today made him look aloof and even more attractive if that is possible. 

I tried to be strong but something about his voice made tears form in my eyes. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ryan asked as he bent down to cup my face in his hands. I encircled my arms around him impulsively and hugged him. He smelled like pine and his warmth comforted me. 

"It's Landon. He got his memories back. He got mad and insulted you when I told him that we were working together. " I told him. 

" I will talk to him." Clarke replied, wiping away my tears. 

Then it hit me. Clarke had every reason to abandon me but he didn't. I threw him into a place of suffering by mistake but I saw no resentment in his eyes. I could only see concern in his eyes as he tried to comfort me. 

"No. You don't need to explain anything to anyone. You don't need anyone's permission to be with me.I want you here." I told him firmly. 

Ryan looked taken aback by my declaration. He moved a few steps away from me. 

" Hope, I have decided to go out of town to meet some contacts who might be able to help to find Malivore." He said, looking away. 

" Alright, let me come with you. I can help." 

"No. Hope, I don't want you to go through anymore pain because of me. You have helped me enough. You should get some rest. You look tired" He added softly, caressing my cheek. 

He is leaving and he does not want to take me along with him? I felt a sick sensation in my stomach. I had gotten used to him being around. I don't think I can bear to see him leave. Maybe he does hate me. 

" Do you hate me?"  I asked softly. The words tumbled out of my mouth impulsively. His looked pained at my question but I had to know. 

" No! It's not like that." He replied immediately. 

" Then what is it? Did my father threaten you?" 

"No, I just thought I will give you some time and space." 

" Time and space?" I screeched. 

" I thought maybe you might want to talk things through with Landon." He replied, wincing.

" I don't want to speak to Landon. Actually him and I were over a long time ago. It just took me a while to realise that. If you are leaving, then I am coming with you."

The expression on his face was unreadable. He took slow and deliberate steps towards me. His gaze sent shivers down my spine.


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