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Jimin pov

I now didn't spend any time with the other members and I became distant as I tried desperately to hide my secret but things never happen the way you want them to do they.

I lay on my side without a shirt on and a pillow was under my stomach which was comfortable and I talked while looking down at my bump.

"I love you my little baby girl and I can't wait for you to be born, I'm so excited to finally be able to hold you but I wish the others knew but I can't let them know just yet but I'm sure you will be loved by all of the-""Jimin what are you doing?" I hear a voice from behind me which made me jump and I turned around to see Jin stood in the doorway holding food with a shocked face and I immediately broke down in tears.

Jin quickly rushed over placing my food on the table next to my bed.

"Minnie what happened?" Jin asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm pregnant" I said and Jin's eyes widened and he leaned down to hug me.

"How far along are you?" He asked and I looked at him.

"30 weeks" I said and Jin turned pale to the point he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Does anyone else know?" Jin asked as he looked at my baby bump and I shook my head no.

"Who's is it?" Jin asked and I began crying again and I sat up as Jin hugged and comforted me.

"Yoongi's" I responded and I could hear Jin gasp as he stood up and I held onto him tightly "no please don't tell him it was a mistake and I don't even think he remembers anything" I begged as tears ran down my face.

"Jimin you need to tell him you're carrying his child for god's sake and if you don't tell him I will" Jin said and I just cried more.

"Please no Jin" I begged but Jin just walked out of the room and I cried more into my pillow.

After 5 minutes there was a knock at my door and I just cried louder.

Yoongi slowly opened the door and closed it behind him as he walked towards the bed.

When I saw him I reached my arms up like I wanted to be held and to my surprise he sat down and moved me onto his lap and hugged me "Yoongi I'm pregnant" I cried and Yoongi just rocked me back and fourth.

"Shhhh baby I know its gonna be okay" Yoongi said as he placed his hand on my stomach where OUR baby girl was kicking and he smiled when he felt her move.

"Jimin I'm so sorry I should have talked with you after that night rather than leaving you like an asshole, I should have been there for you and I should have cared for you but from this day on I promise I will always be there for you if you want me" Yoongi said which just made me cry harder as I nodded my head.

"I love you Yoongi" I said as I leaned forward and kissed Yoongi's lips deeply.

"I love you too Minnie" He responded as he looked down at my stomach and smiled as happy tears rolled down his cheeks.

"What are we having?" He asked as he looked up at me with his eyes sparkling.

"A baby girl" I responded and he nodded his head and bit his lip to stop him from crying even harder.

"Our own baby girl" he said as he smiled his big gummy smile and placed his hands on my swollen stomach and felt her kicking.

"Hello baby girl" he whispered to my stomach and she just began kicking quicker.

Yoongi giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and lay me down gently beside him.

He looked at me with love eyes before our lips met again.

It wasn't rushed it was passionate and loving.

"I love you Park Jimin" he whispered and I smiled.

"I love you Min Yoongi" I whispered back.


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