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Jimin-14 weeks

Jimin pov
Today we were going to find out the gender of the twins so first we dropped of Ji-Yoon at school before going to the doctors.

Dr.Lee asked me the normal questions before I got on the bed lay down and pulled my t-shirt up, My stomach was slowly getting bigger as the days went on, my stomach looked the same way it did when I was 30 weeks pregnant with Ji-Yoon.

Dr.Lee felt around my stomach and pressed in certain places.

"Your uterus is about the right size and would you like to know the genders?" She asked and I nodded my head excitedly as she got the traducer out, Yoongi moved his chair over next to the bed and held my hand smiling as he kissed my cheek.

She put the cold gel on my stomach which still made me jump slightly before moving it around with the traducer, she listened for the heartbeats and found them pretty quickly, "They both have strong heart beats" she said making me and Yoongi smile.

"Okay so baby A seems to be a girl and...So does baby b" she said and I smiled widely, two more princesses.

Yoongi also smiled and kissed my cheek.

Dr.Lee printed off some of the photos before wiping the gel off my stomach and handing the pictures to me making me smile as I looked at them.

Me and Yoongi went home and had a little fun and a shower before we had to go and get Ji-Yoon.

Me and Yoongi waited outside the school with Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Hey Taehyung I found out the genders today" Jimin said and Taehyung and Jungkook turned around excitedly as Jimin handed Tae the photo.

"You're have two more girls!" Taehyung said loudly as he hugged Jimin tightly smiling and Jungkook joined in making Jimin giggle.

Soon Yunsoo and Ji-Yoon came out of the school smiling happily.

Ji-Yoon ran up to Jimin and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you mummy" she said with a small pout and Jimin smiled and picked her up.

"Mummy found out if you're getting brothers or sisters today" Jimin said making Ji-Yoon look up excitedly.

"You're going to get 2 new sisters" Jimin said and the girl in his arms squealed loudly in excitement.

Short Chapter since in working on another book at the moment

Please give me a bit of time with my updates


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