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The next day Jimin was allowed to go home, while Yoongi packed up all their stuff Jimin quickly fed Ha-Na and Ri-Na, once they were ready a nurse brought a wheelchair into the room which Yoongi helped Jimin into.

Yoongi put Ri-Na into the car seat before he helped Jimin into the car before he gently grabbed Ha-Na out of his arms, the small girl sleeping, he smiled as he looked down at the pretty baby as he strapped her into her car seat.

Once Yoongi got into the driver's seat he began driving away from the hospital, Jimin placed his hand in his as he drove down a quiet street.

"Yoongi?" Jimin said questioningly and Yoongi hummed in acknowledgement.

"Yesterday, you said you would carry the next child we have, did you mean it or were you saying it to calm me down?" Jimin asked, his voice quiet as he looked down at his feet.

"I meant it baby, whenever your ready I will be" Yoongi responded and Jimin nodded his head with a smile on his face.

"Namjoon is doing the same with Jin" Jimin mentioned and Yoongi nodded his head with a smile.

Once they got home, Ji-Yoon was immediately running out of the front door with an exited smile on her face as Taehyung chased after her.

Jimin had placed a blanket over the twins car seats making Ji-Yoon pout as Yoongi carried the car seats into the house.

Everyone was waiting there, all very excited to see the new babies, "do you mind if we go and show Ji-Yoon first?" Jimin asked and everyone agreed as Ji-Yoon followed the new parents upstairs.

"Okay honey, these are your new sisters Ha-Na and Ri-Na" Jimin said as he moved the blankets, Ji-Yoon immediately placed her hands over her mouth as she almost screamed in excitement as she crawled across the carpet to Ha-Na.

"They are really pretty mommy, thank you" Ji-Yoon said as she stood up and ran, hugging Jimin tightly, the boy hugging her back and smiling as Yoongi put the blankets over the car seats before he picked it up and carried it down stairs with Jimin and Ji-Yoon following behind him.

"Okay so her name is Ha-Na and this one is Ri-Na and I had to have a C-section" Jimin said pointing at the covered car seats, Yoongi moved the blankets and everyone immediately gathered round and cooed.

"Ri-Na looks a lot like Jimin and Ha-Na looks like Yoongi" Taehyung pointed out and everyone nodded in agreement as they all smiled at the sleeping babies.

"Well Ri-Na acts like me and Ha-Na acts like Jimin" Yoongi said with a smile.

Yunso and Ji-Yoon were watching the babies closely with smiles on their faces.

Soon Ha-Na began crying which woke up Ri-Na, but Ri-Na didn't start crying, she just looked around the room with her mouth open.

Jimin quickly gave the twins pacifiers and Ha-Na soon stopped crying as she also looked around.

Everyone went to wash their hands as Jimin sat downs and Yoongi got their babies out of their car seats.

Jin was the first one to hold Ri-Na and he smiled as she looked at him.

Taehyung quickly ran and jumped on the sofa excitedly as he made grabby hands at Ha-Na and Jimin gently passes the small girl to him, Taehyung was smiling down at the small baby.

Jungkook waddled over with his hand in his stomach as he sat down.

Taehyung passed Ha-Na to Jungkook who smiled down at the baby.

Yugyeom and Hoseok were smiling as Jin passed Ri-Na over to Hoseok, their 2 month old baby boy Ji-Sung giggling as Yugyeom held him close to the small baby.

"She really looks like you Hyung" Hoseok said as he looked and Yoongi who smiled.

Yunso and Ji-Yoon were sat on the carpet playing as they watched the two new twins

Jimin and Yoongi smiled as they looked at their family and friends.

They felt whole.

Another time skip?

If there is another time-skip I feel like the book will be more enjoyable for me to write and you to read.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for the long wait, I'm focusing more on my other two books at the moment and that you for nearly 50K reads

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