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Yoongi woke up first the next morning around 8 since they didn't have to do the school run.

Yoongi lay in bed on is phone as he went though his social medias and caught up on what recently happened.

About 10 minutes later Jimin shot out of bed before running to the bathroom making Yoongi's eyes widen as he put his phone down and followed the younger boy just to see him puking in the toilet, Yoongi quickly kneeled beside him and rubbed his back as tears came out of the younger boys eyes.

As after the younger had finished puking Yoongi quickly got his a glass of water as the pregnant boy sat on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked and Jimin nodded his head as he stood up and quickly brushed his teeth before he walked back into the bedroom and lay down.

Yoongi followed Jimin and got behind his before wrapping his arm around the younger's waist his hand laying on his stomach, he could kinds feel the slight bump under Jimin's thin t-shirt.

"When's your appointment?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"About 12:30 and after it we can go get Ji-Yoon and take her for ice cream and tell her" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded agreeing to the plan.

"I'll go make breakfast you stay in here and rest for a bit and I'll bring it to you" Yoongi said and Jimin nodded his head and smiled as Yoongi kissed him on the forehead and walked out of the room.

Jimin rested his hand on his stomach and smiled at the thought of what their next baby was going to be like.

Would they look more like him or Yoongi or maybe a mix.

What would they act like, would they be nice and calm like Ji-Yoon or crazy and hyper like Yunso.

After thinking for a while Yoongi slowly entered the room with a plate of food for Jimin which consisted of mainly fruit and waffles covered with syrup.

Jimin licked his lips at the food in front of him before he quickly dug in and he smiled as he took the first bite which was amazing.

Jimin quickly finished the food and after Yoongi ate, Yoongi went and put their dished in the kitchen before returning.

The boys set an alarm on their phone for 11:30 before falling asleep because both of them were tired and it was rare they both got to sleep at this time.

Yoongi groaned when he woke up to the sound of the alarm which he quickly turned off and before looking over at Jimin who was still sleeping.

"Minnie wake up your appointment is soon" Yoongi said softly and he smiled as he watched Jimin's eyes slowly flutter open.

Jimin slowly got out of bed as he rubbed his eyes with one hand before heading to the bathroom, Jimin came back a minutes later and quickly went though his wardrobe looking for an outfit he found suitable.

After 5 minutes of looking he picked out an outfit and began getting changed making Yoongi look over him and smirk.

"Stop looking you perv" Jimin giggled as he tried to cover himself making Yoongi laugh at his adorableness.

"You're so beautiful" Yoongi whispered making Jimin smile as he pulled his back shirt over his head.

They spent 5 minutes getting changed before they went and grabbed a snack and then a couple minuets later they were in the car.

Yoongi drove carefully as he made his way to the doctors and when they arrived they quickly got out and signed in at the front desk.

They sat together smiling as Jimin's hand rested on his stomach.

They Can't Know | Yoonmin | M-preg |Where stories live. Discover now