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Jimin pov.

I woke up at 7am as usual before rushing to the bathroom and throwing up.

Yoongi was a deep sleeper and I puked quietly so Yoongi never woke up during this time.

I was about 8 weeks pregnant and I haven't gone to the doctors yet because I was planning to tell Yoongi later today and I had an appointment for tomorrow.

After I threw up I brushed my teeth quickly before heading to the kitchen to grab some food since I was very hungry, I began making pancakes ready for when Yoongi and Ji-Yoon wake up which would happen about 7:30am.

As I was making the pancakes I placed my hand on my stomach feeling it protruding slightly as it was firm under my touch, I had a tiny bump already but Yoongi wouldn't have noticed since we haven't been intimate in weeks.

I quickly removed my hand from my stomach when I heard Yoongi coming down the stairs and he
quickly walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he placed his chin on my shoulder looking at the pancakes I was making.

"They smell amazing" Yoongi commented and I hummed as I focused on not burning them and after 10 minutes I had 3 pancakes on plates covered with syrup and fruit and Yoongi went to get Ji-Yoon as I placed them down on the table.

I quickly cut her pancake into bite size pieces and Yoongi carried her down the stairs before placing the sleepy girl on to her chair.

The girls eyes opened and she smiled at the food in front of her.

She picked up her plastic fork and began eating it, she smiled widely.

"Yoongi do you want to go out tonight my mum said she can watch Ji-Yoon" I asked and Yoongi nodded his head.

After we finished eating our food Yoongi wiped Ji-Yoon's face with a baby wipe before going to get her ready for school.

She came downstairs 5 minuets later in her uniform with pigtails in her hair as she smiled a gummy smile up at me making me smile back.

I got into the car as Yoongi helped Ji-Yoon into her car seat before getting in the driver's side and turning the car on before he began driving.

I gently placed my hand on my stomach trying to keep my breakfast down but the car then hit a speed bump and my stomach turned.

"Pull over" I said and Yoongi looked confused before he looked over at me and he quickly pulled to the side of the road where I puked into the grass.

After a couple minutes I was done and Yoongi quickly handed me a bottle of water which I used to wash my mouth out and get rid of the disgusting taste.

After that I climbed back into the car and Yoongi looked at me worried.

Yoongi began driving again as he talked to me, "Jimin are you okay?" He asked and I nodded my head.

We soon arrived at Ji-Yoon's school where we waved her off as she ran into class.

Yoongi held my hand as we walked back to the car.

We climbed in and Yoongi turned the car on again as he began driving.

"Jimin are you sure you want to go out tonight, if you're not feeling well we can always do it another time" Yoongi said with his voice full of concern.

"No I want to go out tonight please" I said and Yoongi nodded his head as he kept his eyes on the road in front of him.

They spent the day in bed since I wasn't feeling well and all I wanted was cuddles Yoongi was there to supply.

After picking up Ji-Yoon from school we dropped her off at my mom's before heading home to get ready for our date.

We wore casual clothes and we put on our face masks on as we left the house hand in hand.
3rd person

First they went to a restaurant where they had a big meal with a delicious desert.

They then went to the arcade and Yoongi won a massive teddy bear for Jimin which the younger refused to let go of and they began to end their date with a walk along the beach.

Jimin walked with one hand around the teddy bear and his other hand linked with Yoongi's as the sun set.

"Yoongi I have something to tell you" Jimin said and Yoongi looked at Jimin giving him his full attention as he looked at him with love filled eyes.

"I'm pregnant" Jimin said and a big gummy smile broke out on Yoongi's face as he wrapped his arms tightly around the younger boy who giggled as his face was peppered with kisses.

"How far along are you" Yoongi asked placing a hand on Jimin's stomach and smiled as he felt the bump underneath his fingertips.

"I'm about 8 weeks and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that you can come to if you want" Jimin said and Yoongi immediately nodded his head as he jumped in the air with excitement.

They soon went home and Jimin placed the big teddy bear in the corner of the room as him and Yoongi lay in bed together.

Jimin was laying flat on his back as Yoongi cuddled up to him placing one of his hands on Jimin's small bump.

They would pick up Ji-Yoon tomorrow after school since Jimin's mother agreed to look after her and get her to school in the morning.

"I love you Minnie" Yoongi said and Jimin smiled as he placed his hand on the back of Yoongi's head.

"I love you too Yoongi" Jimin said as he cheeks tinted a bit pink.

They soon fell asleep tangled in each other under the warm blanket prepared for what the future has for them.

But nothing could prepare them for tomorrow.


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