The mindset Part 3

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Hey guys I hope you're enjoying this read so far!! I just wanted to say a few things and make a few notes. First off I know its staring off a little slow and its a bit sloppy but again this is my first fan fiction and I am working on my writing skills everyday! I hope with time ill start to improve! Also a reminder that this is fan fiction so with that being said some things might happen faster then they would in real life but thats where all the fun things happen! I also wanted to add that im going to take some concepts from 50 shades and put a little Jane the virgin twist on it to give Rafael character more depth.

WARNING if you are triggered by any form of s domestic violence be cautious reading this chapter, it will be very light its just a story line I believed would fit the situation. Also if you are triggered by any type of sexual abuse this story might not be for you in the future. thank you for your patience. ----------------------------------

Rafael POV

Watching her walk out of the elevator and look for that Michael guy made my heart drop. I felt angry, I felt rejected, I felt jealous and I hated already feeling like this, but I couldn't let Jane know how I felt this soon, it wasn't normal. So I helped her look for him.

I was searching all around the hotel when I went to get some fresh air, thats when I saw him. He was sitting by the fountain drinking a beer. I felt for the guy..loosing a girl like her.. that can't be a good feeling. However, Im smart enough to take a few things into consideration 1 I was the last person he wanted to see, 2 he was one of Miamis finest so he probably had a gun on him, and 3, he definitely wanted to kick my ass, and I've had enough drunk fist fights to last a century... I didn't want to admit it but deep down I knew I didn't want Jane to see that side of me. I hardly knew her and I was already trying to look good for her? Good to know. The attraction I had for her, was clearly more then just "attraction".

Instead of talking to him myself, I ran inside and found Jane. I told her where he was. She looked at me for a moment, then, I watched as she picked up her beautiful dress from dragging on the floor and ran passed me. Ouch. I went and grabbed a scotch, but I couldn't help but turn around to face them and make sure she was ok. It seemed calm for a while, but then I noticed it got pretty heated pretty fast. They both were standing up shouting at each other. I saw Jane walk away but he grabbed her. She threw her arm up unlocking his grip.

And thats when it happened.

He swung his hand back slapping her loud enough to make a faint noise over the music. I watched her fall to the floor, grabbing hold of the edge of the fountain as she sobbed. He backed away, placing his hand over his mouth in panic and shock from what he had just done.

Rage filled inside me. I made my way through the crowd and up to Michael. He stood there with his hand still covering his mouth and looked at me still shocked in what he had done, but I had no more pity left for him. I grabbed the collar of his shirt threw my fist back then colliding it into his jaw knocking him down. My fist throbbed after the exchange. He didn't move. I had just knocked him completely out. Panting with rage I looked down at Jane. Shock and fear filled her eyes.

She got up slowly and put her arms around my arm. We both looked around. I had completely forgot where I was. I definitely made a scene. Looking around and seeing all the people whisper, I was ashamed in what I had done.

Jane then whispered to me.

"Rafael we have to go...we have to go right. now"

She tugged me to follow her back into the hotel, but I resisted.

"I can't go back there Jane. This will be on the news, I have a decent enough relationship with the cops around here and can get out of this charge but this will definitely be a headliner and no one can know im here." I explained

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