The secret Part 6

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Rafs POV

I woke up a bit startled, almost forgetting where I was. After a momentous figuring it out a aroma of something cooking hit me. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. The aroma quickly turned from something nice to something burning. "Shit." Jane whispered throwing whatever she had made away. I leaned against the fridge and studied her. She was facing the stove as she stood gripping on to the counter sighing with frustration.

"Goodmorning." I announced cheerfully. "Hey" she replied not taking the chance to turn around.

I went up and wrapped my arms around her from behind, and kissed the top of her bare shoulder, then resting my chin on it. "Whats wrong." I asked calmly hoping she'd relax. She raised her hand to my cheek taking in a deep breath, as she faced the opposite direction. "I make the best grilled cheese, Ive never burnt my grilled cheese." she explained a bit choked up.

This is whats upsetting her? I mean she did explain that she's a control freak. But I knew it was about everything with her and Michael.

"Hey" I spun her around to face me. She looked up and put her arms around my neck as I held on to her waist. Her eyes were teary but she managed to give me a soft smile. "You have a lot on your mind.. let me take you out to coffee." I said smiling down at her.

She sighed with relief. "That sounds really nice."

I quickly stole a kiss from her cheek that made her giggle. We went to get dressed. As I went to grab my clothes, I saw papers scattered on top of the dryer. I got nosey and decided to read. It was her story. It was beautiful. The passion that was put into it was incredible and the detail blew my mind.

"Hey you rea.." She froze when she saw me with the papers.

"Jane.." I said mesmerized "This is really..really good." I informed her holding up the papers

She put her hands to her cheeks as she blushed "Yeah?" she asked with a giddy grin

"Yes." I said seriously neatly placing the papers down.

"I guess my abuela got into my book or something." She explained acting nonchalant and shrugging it off like no big deal

"Im reading it all when we get back." I smiled wrapping my arms around her

we stood in each others embrace for a moment. "Ah ok ok go get dressed we gotta go!" she playfully cheered lightly nudging me in the chest.

She stood there in a beautiful yellow sundress, I couldn't take my eyes off her, but I managed and walked to the bathroom and threw my clothes on.

We walked to her favorite coffee shop, we talked the whole way getting to know more about each other. She made me laugh, she wasn't like other girls, she had this way about her that was so endearing. She didn't care what anyone thought, and when I was around her, neither did i.

Janes POV

The sun shinned bright as we made our way to my favorite coffee shop. Rafael told me about all his dreams and passions. He was such an incredible man. He wanted to see the world just like me. Id felt so comfortable, and so safe with him, but at the same time I felt adventuress and excited with him.

We made our way to the coffee shop where I ordered my favorite chai tea and he ordered a plane coffee. He paid then we sat down. I watched him poor 8 sugars and 6 samples of cream into his vintage coffee mug. I couldn't help but laugh.

He looked up "What?" he smiled genuinely confused.

"You take your coffee the same way my thirteen year old niece takes it." I remarked.

Forbidden Amor (a Rafael and Jane fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now