The chase Part 10

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Rafael POV

We had spent 25 hours driving to LA. I looked over at her excited about this thought, but then I noticed her eyes. She wasn't the best at hiding her emotions. She would try to smile so she didn't worry anyone and with anyone that didn't know her I'm sure she'd get away with it! However she had a tell that I started to notice the more I got to know her. Her eyes. They wouldn't smile with her when she was feeling some type of way.

"Jane, spill what's on your mind?" I asked

She sighed and looked at me

"You keep seeing the worst sides of me... first grouchy tired jane, then insecure Jane, I'm tired of all these negative Jane's" she explained "there vicious" she whispered with a humorous glare.

I couldn't help but laugh

"I know I know you still think I'm great!" She said throwing her hands up and laughing at herself

"I mean of course, but that's not what I'm laughing at" I explained.

"Well what is it? What's so funny?" She asked curiously crossing her arms

"Jane... I attacked your ex. That's a pretty grouchy move. And then I almost slept in your moms bed even after you were coming on to me because you were so much more put together then me that's a pretty insecure..she jumped in

"Woah woah woah back it up" she said "I came on to you?!" She tried not to laugh

"Yeah!" I defended myself "Wearing that sexy tiny tank top, brushing against me when you went to your moms room to get me pants, might I add only pants! no shirt!" I said justifying my argument

"I was trying to avoid you because I thought you were seducing me!" She added trying not to laugh
"I was doing everything I could to resist you!"
"I'm like the king of being oblivious to flirting and I could sniff your seduction tactics out from a mile away!" She said bringing on the sass

"Awww, you said you did everything you could to resist me.." I pointed out.
"20 minutes later we already had our clothes off, your easy to break rookie!" I said grabbing her thigh.

"You... you are so manipulative." She said smiling. She unbuckled and sat on her knees. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek and neck over and over again as I drove.

When all the sudden, a truck got really close.

"Jane!" I raised my voice putting my arm over her to push her into the seat. It was a reflex.

She sat back down a bit worried and buckled up.

"What is this dick doing." I asked myself looking at the rear view mirror. He was riding my ass. He kept getting closer and closer to me. And like a flash, sirens came on.

"Shit, I was hardly speeding." I trailed off and pulled over rolling my window down.
I looked over at jane, she was clearly scared.

"Jane this is my car. They can't arrest me for taking a car i pay for." I explained

"Raf..that's not why I'm worried." She shook her head

"What the hell are you doing Jane?!?!" Shouted a familiar voice.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I looked up. It was Michael.

And that was it. The final straw. From him hitting her, to him knocking on her door, to him talking on my family, to him calling her 16 times when she wanted to be alone. It all lead up to this.

I got out and pushed him against my car.

"You're following her now?!" I yelled Getting in his face

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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