The decision Part 7

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Hey guys is you're reading please try and comment some feed back, I'm new to this and really could use some suggestions on better ways to really embody the characters. Be ruthless if you want as long as you're giving advice I'll be thankful... thank you so much for reading now let's get back to it!________

Jane POV

My heart sank. Everything Rafael had been through made me sick. The secret he had opened up about was more then I ever imagined it would be. What was even worse, did I know him well enough to get myself involved? What exactly did all of this mean? We sat there in silence

"Jane." He said quietly

I looked up at him breaking from my train of thought

"You don't know me." He explained. "We just met I don't expect you to stay and I would never hold this against you" he assured me. "I never want to be the reason you get hurt."

I knew what I had to do. It wouldn't be easy. But I knew.

Suddenly a car pulled up

"Oh no." I said looking at the Red pick up truck.

"What?" Rafael asked confused as he looked around.

"No no no not right now?!" I shouted in a whisper as I ducked placing my head on rafaels lap. ignoring him completely.

Rafael looked over at the car that just pulled up. It was Michael.

I looked up. I saw the rage building up in rafaels face. His chest going up and down with anger

"Rafael.." I said with a calm voice "Don't do anything irrational." I warned him.

Rafael clearly wasn't listening to a word I was saying as he got out of the car causing my head to thump slightly into his seat awkwardly. He slammed the door. I got up and I went to follow him. "..shit" I whispered as I opened the door. I got out and stood by the car. We saw Michael walk to my door step and knock on the door. Of course, Rafael went straight towards him. Stopping right before the steps.

"What you came here to harass her some more?" Rafael said putting his hands in his pocket.

Michael turned around, looking shocked to see him. "You?" He said with confusion "you stay away from me...and stay away from jane! He demanded in anger.

"...I should stay away from you and jane? After what you did to Jane she should already have a restraining order." Rafael said with frustration in his voice.

Michael looked at me "Jane I'm so sorry for what I did I was drunk and sad...and just..stupid, but this guy is real danger" he said pointing at Rafael "He's very popular with the guys I work with. He gets away with everything cause of daddies money." He said breaking his glance from me and forcing it on Rafael.

"Don't you dare entertain the idea that you know me." Rafael commanded, frustrated.
"You want to bash me after what you did?" Rafael laughed with disbelief

"You cheat on this.. incredible girl, someone who's been by your side through everything, none the less with a cop, someone you work with all day, let that .. incredible girl slip through your fingers, then hit her for admitting to you she feels something for someone else?" He states with a baffled tone
"And I actually felt sorry for you."

Michael looked at me. As if he was waiting for me to have his back. However everything Rafael had stated was true. And I didn't have it in me to do Michael any favors or say anything to him for that matter. I crossed my arms and looked at him beyond pissed he was expecting back up from me.

"You two talk I'm staying out of it. When I want to speak, trust me I will." I fired back with some sass.

Rafael looked over his shoulder then looked me up and down with an impressed and satisfied smirk. He shot me a wink of encouragement then turned back to Michael.

I won't lie it made me blush.

Knowing I wasn't going to help him out this time, Michael chuckled to himself. He calmly walked down the stairs and got right in Rafaels face.
"So how's your sister? She been visiting lately? The boys down at the station really....took a liking to her.. from what I hear." Michael smugly stated.

Rafael met his stare with anger and disbelief at the low blow. Did Rafaels sister visit often? Could I have known her? I thought. When suddenly Rafael pushed Michael up against the brick wall of my house. Michael threw his hands up and laughed. "You might of been able to get away with what you did last night" he said taking his focus off of Rafael too direct it towards me for a moment "but I'm no longer drunk, and will never make the same mistake I made ever again." He explained sympatheticly then directed his attention back to Rafael. "Watch yourself pretty boy, would hate for you to end up in a cell, you think you got it good with the cops around here? Wait until you mess with there brother buddy" he said, patting rafs face. Rafael starred at the ground looking off into space to think, but he knew Michael had a point, so he let him go. Leaving him walking away smiling from ear to ear

On his way back to his car Michael walked towards me going from amused to serious. He stopped next to me "I'm gonna give you a few days, then I'm gonna call, if you're ok with that." Michael said. I looked at him not giving him any answer, just a judgemental look. He nodded "ill call you" and walked away.

Rafael was furious. But he hid it well. He sat down on my steps. Bouncing his leg up and down with anxiety. I sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"I'm coming with you, wherever you go, I'm going to." I said with a light smile.

Rafael looked up with relief. He put his hand on my cheek moving it to the back of my neck to pull me in closer looking at me in a daze and then closing his eyes, our foreheads touching, he leaned in, and slowly, yet softly, he kissed me. It felt like a romance novel. It felt like coming home.

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