Chapter 8

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I looked around the park with little kids and their parents laughing. I loved the thought of one day having a family. I little girl almost fell infront of me but I caught her. I helped her up. "Be careful." I said. She smiled cutely. "Thank you." She said. I looked at her and kinda looked like Laura. This had me thinking maybe it be nice to have kids with her someday. Last night was amazing and I smiled thinking back to it. My phone rang. "Hello?" I answer.

"Ross? Ross!" She said breathlessly. "Laur? What's wrong?" I ask. "I have had it. I'm done. I don't want to go to Harvard and leave you here." She said. "Woah! Woah! Harvard!? Why are you?" I asked. "She enrolled me to it. I got accepted and and they have me down for attending and I can't! I won't!" She said. "Okay calm down. I understand." I said. "She won't run my life. No! She might be my mom there is no way she is going to tell me what to do anymore." She said. "Uh Laur?" I say. "Yeah?" She asked. "Why does your dad look fuming and approaching me?" I ask. "Ross? Run!" She said. I did so. He pointed at me and turned around and walked away.
"Why? What was that?" I ask. She sighed. "Because of last night." She said. I blush. "Speaking of which, how was it?" I ask. She goes quiet and I can tell she was blushing too. "Amazing." She says. I smile as my face turns bright red. "Aww is little Rossy blushing?" She teased. How does she know? "No." I say. She giggles. "Just know I am too so don't worry." She said. This brought a smile to my face. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you too." She said. "Did you go home yet?" She asked. "No. I was at the park watching parents with their kids play." I say. "Awww." She gushed. "One little girl almost fell but I caught her. She looked like you." I say. "Probably my aunt with my niece." She said. "Aww." I say. "Listen. Hide those hickeys on your neck. And avoid her gaze at all times." She said. "Who?" I asked. "Your mom. Their meeting today." She tells me. "Okay. I love you. Thanks for telling me." I say. "Of course. I love you too." She said and hung up. I walked up to the doorsteps. Here we go.

"Where were you!?" My mom asked me as soon as I walked in my house. "I was at the park mom chill." I say. "Chill!? You were not at the park! You were cruising around with your new girlfriend." She said angerily. "Mom I don't get the problem. I was just hanging at the park.I can't stay coped up in the house all day." I say. "You have everything you can ever ask for. What more do you want!?" She shouted. Only once has she ever raised her voice. "Freedom!!!" I shouted. "Freedom!? You lost that priviledge when you decided to have sex with her last night!" She shouted. How did she know about that? "We love each other!! If 2 individuals love each other, then it's bound to happen!!!" I shouted back. "Is that so? Pack your bags, were moving!!!!" She shouted. Wait what!? Hell no! It's not happening!!
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