Chapter 19

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked beautiful. Today's the day. I'm being married off to Ben. I can't and won't let that happen. I have had many weird feelings and I even got to the point where I need to go to the hospital. I went alone. I needed Ross to support me but since the guys beat him up like 2 days ago, I haven't seen him since. I stepped off the podium. They put my crown on me. I found out something interesting and that might be just my chance to get out of this dumb wedding. Well maybe just maybe I might have the chance to run away and be with my real groom. He said he would be here but for some reason I doubt it.

"You look beautiful honey." My dad said. "Would Ross think so?" I ask. He stiffened and forced a smile."Of course he would. Most importantly, Ben would." He said taking my hand. "I don't want to be married to him. I want Ross. Were destined to be together." I say. "You mean this Ross?" He said pulling out a magazine. It was a picture of my Ross with his arm this other girl and they were married.My heart shatttered. No way is that true! It's fake. I won't believe it!! "No. That's not my Ross". I say. He gets upset and starts to walk me. "No! My stuff is not done yet!!" I say. He completely ignores me and then takes me to the doors. The guys standing there open it. Soon I was forced to walk down the isle.

"You look beautiful..." Ben said to me. I forced a smile. "Thank you." I say. My dad then hands me over to him. I force another smile. I felt I didn't belong here. "Laura..." Someone whispered. I looked around and saw some lady waving her hand at me. Her face was covered and I couldn't see her. I seen she was a blonde though. I turned back to the guy in front of me. He started to gaze into my eyes. I was avoiding looking at his in every possible way. "Dearly beloved. We have gathered her today to........." I completely tuned him out as I looked at the weird hat lady. She raised her hat. Oh my. That's his mom. If she's here then Ross must be too. I smiled and jumped up a bit. "Are you okay!?" Ben asked out of no where. I looked back at Stormie. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "Yes." I say. I look at the priest and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Wait!" I say. "What's wrong?" They ask me. "I can't marry him." Everyone gasps. "What?" He asks. "I'm sorry. It wouldn't be fair to you." I say. "She has no idea what she's talking about. Finish it!" My dad roared. "No! I won't! Ben! Did my parents tell you that I am already in love with someone else!?" I asked. He looks at them then back at me. "No." He says. "Well I am. I also have some news regarding that." I say. "Laura!!" My mom shouted. I glared at her. Stormie kept pointing to her wrist watch. I guess she wanted me to buy some time. "I am really sorry to those who were expecting a wedding today especially to you Ben." I say. "Laura.Did your parents not tell you?" He asked taking my hand. "Tell me what?" I ask. I looked at them. "Laura. We signed an agreement that once you turn 19, you and I would be wedded." He said. What!? "What?" I said. "This wedding is happening either way." My mom said. "No! We are not!!" I ripped myself away from him. "I can't marry you!!!" I shout. "Why not!?" He asked. "Because I am in love with someone else and I'm pregnant!!!!" I shouted. Everyone gasped. "You are?" A voice asked softly. Not just any voice. Ross. I froze.
Next chapter is the end!:) Comment and Vote!!!!!!

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