Chapter 18

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So the wedding is in 2 days. I'm nervous and scared all in one. But knowing it's for Laura, all the nervousness and fear disappears. I just don't want to walk in at the wrong time so, I will be attending the wedding thanks to her uncle. He grabbed an invitation for me. I hope none of her parents are part of security. Otherwise I have a new plan to make. "Ross!!" My mom called. I roll my eyes and get off my bed. "Yes? Do you need something?" I ask. "Meet your new wife." My mom said. I looked at the girl. "Excuse me." I simply say. I then run as fast as I could out the door. "Ross!!"She called behind me.

There is no way this is happening. Only one girl I want to marry and her name is Laura Marie Marano.I saw her running towards me then. "Ross!!" She screamed. "Laura!!" I screamed running faster. Just then, someone stood between us. I was held back by guys in black and she was held back by...... her dad. "You stay the hell away from my daughter!!!!" He shouted. "No! Laura!!" I struggled to get to her. "Ross!!" She cried. "Come near her and you go near him, severe consequences will be faced understand!?" He shouted at her. She nodded as she cried. This broke me.Our Destiny will be written by us. We belong together. I get out of their grip and take her into mine. The guys then start to pull me away from her but she held on tighter as her dad tried to pull her off me.

"No! We belong together!!! It's our Destiny!!! We belong together!!! We would've never met!! Dad you can't do this!!!" She cried. We were like magnets who didn't want to pull apart. "I love her!!! You can't take her away from!!!" I shouted. The guys kept pulling but we weren't budging. "Let go Laura!!!" Her dad roared. "No! You let us be!!!!" She shouted. I'm not letting her go! "You can't take it out on him if it was Vaness who screwed his brother over!!! If you haven't noticed, you guys are the only one's that broke my heart!!!" She shouted. "He has never done me wrong!!!" She said. "Let him go I swear things will get ugly." He said telling the guys to stop for a moment. "Go with him. I'll come for you." I say. She starts to loosen her grip. I kiss her as hard as I can. She kissed back. "Enough!!" He shouted then pulled us away from each other.

As soon as we were pulled away from each other, the guys started to beat on me. I heard her screaming and crying. They kicked me in the stomach and left me there. " Stay away from my daughter!!" Her dad yelled at me. "Your daughter is mine. She's mine." I say. He punches me in the face. "Ross!!!" She shouted. "Stay away from her!!!"He said and got up. He took her and dragged her away crying and if tried to get up, the guys would hit. I caught the one guys foot when he tried to kick me. I tripped him and then punched the other guy. They kept coming at me but I was like a ninja. I dropped the last guy. "Stay out of my way!!!" I shouted then left.

"Honey what happened!?" My mom asked as soon as I entered the house. "I'm not getting married. I am married! And I want to keep it that way!" I shouted and darted for my room. "Woah! To who!?" She said. "The girl you refused to let me be with. And mom?" I say. She looks at me. "She's a part of the family now! Therefore...Game Over!" I say. "No it's not. This is not a game and what ever your saying sounds pathetic!" She snapped at me. I took out our marriage liciense. She covered her mouth. "Oh my god!" She said. "She's mine and I'm hers. Tell that girl the truth and then stay out of my love life!!" I say. "How dare you talk to me that way!? I am your mother!" She said. "Yes. And how dare you not let me be happy!? Every mother would put her own childs happiness before herself! Mom I told you. You will always be the number one woman in my life but don't you ever feel selfish!? " I ask.

"No. Because I know that you'll always be there for me." She said. "Then remember that. It applies for Laura too. No matter what other woman is there, I'll always be there."I say. "I'm sorry." She said. I hug her. "I just didn't want what happened to Riker to happen to you." She cried. "It's been a year. Has it?" I asked. "No. Your right. I'm being selfish. You can be with..." She trailed off. "Laura." I say. "You can be with... Laura." She said. I smile. "Thank you. Now I need your help to stop her wedding." I say. She tilts her head. "That is the reason behind the eye and nose." I say. She nods. "Okay. What do I do?" She asked. "First support me on everything." I scold. She nods. "Okay then. Now just heres the plan..."
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