Chapter 20

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I looked at the shocked crowd in front of us. No one moved except for Ben. "What?" He asked. She was frozen in place. I guess she didn't plan on telling me this soon. I slowly walked down the isle. "Don't you go near her! Guards!!!" Her dad called. "Father, he is handing off my wife to another man." I say giving the priest our liciense. Everyone gasps. "She is a married woman." The priest tells everyone. "What!? That is ridiculous!!" Her mom shouted. "Are you calling me a liar?" He asked her. She shook her head.

"Laura Marano is officially Laura Lynch. She is his wife and they are known by the state that they are married." He confirms. I take her hand and step her down. "Laura.You are the love of my life. I want to continue to be the one that will love and care for you for as long as I shall live. Now knowing that we will both be parents brings joy into my life. Now I know that when we first met, it was Destiny that brought us together. It was a tough battle but we conquered it. Together. I got my mom to agree with me and she helped me today. Ellen, Damino. Your daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Don't let a misconception between what happened between our siblings effect how we feel about each other. Everyday I was without her felt like I was slowly dying. Being able to wake up to her beautiful smile those 3 times we were together light up my world. All I'm asking is to let us be happy and together. She is going to be a mom of my child. I love her!!" I say. Everyone awwws as Laura wiped her tears. "I love you too Ross." She said and kissed me. I kissed her back as I pulled her closer.

"She makes him much more happier than I thought she did. I mean look at them." My mom said speaking to her parents. "Their good kids. Except for that extra stuff we just found out about. But look at all the strengths they went to, to be together. That's true love. I know us Lynch and Marano's have our differences but my children's happiness means to me the most. They belong together. It's Destiny." She said and took Laura and my hand and placed them together. She kissed my cheek. "I can't wait to see my grand baby." She said and hugged  Laura. I smiled. She released then sat down.

"Mom. Dad." She said. They didn't look at her. "Come on Ross. I'm happy at least your mom supports us." She said. She turned to leave but suddenly stopped. I looked down to see her dad had gripped her arm. "I'm proud of you." He whispered. Come again? "If this guy makes my little girl happy, then I support you." He said. Her mom wasn't budging. "I love you dad. Thank you." She said. He smiled and hugged her. "I love you too." He said. He then pulled away. He put our hands together. "Take care of her." He said. I smile. "I will." I say. "Raura." My mom started clapping like a lune. We all laughed and everyone started cheering for us as we shared a kiss.

We were currently in our new home.She was 2 months pregnant and I couldn't be happier. I am an aero dynamic. I design airplanes and build them. I am also a pilot in a way but I enjoy it. Flying has always been a part of my dream. "I love you." I tell her as I kissed her hand. "I love you too." She smiled. I kissed her. I'm definately am living the life. Especially with the one I'm Destined to be with.
Hope you guys enjoyed this book. This may have ended but another book is out now!! It's called Why must it be you? Its another Raura story and I hope you guys like it.Anyway thank you guys for tuning in. You guy are just the best and I love every.single. One. Of you guys. Comment and Vote!!!!

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