CHAPTER 2 - Hyung...Oppa?

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       The rest of my "free days" I spent touring around the city and I had to admit, it was very pretty! It was my first time here in Seoul and I was absolutely loving it, especially the food.
       My grandma from my dad side was Korean so I knew how to speak it a little bit but I was very rusty. Thank god everyone I encountered and had to talk to was very friendly and seemed to understand or at least would do the effort to understand what I meant. Still, I was trying my best by reading, listening, writing and even talking alone at home to practice. Guess I was very determined, if I decided to do something I had to do it the best way possible, there was no in between. Like they use to say, 'Go big or go home', that's one of my mottos.

       On my first day of work I went to the dressing room and got my uniform. It was all black, the trousers were long and loose on the legs with lots of pockets, a button up shirt and a coat that was optional, but since we are in November, lets just say it was not that optional, it was freezing.

       I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed with a frown, my body looked too feminine in it since the shirt hugged all my curves, which was bad since I wanted to look like a male, and a scary one, I wanted to be respected as much as any other bodyguard in there.

       I went to my bag and took a couple of bandages that I got on my way here, I undressed again and used them to wrap tightly around my chest. It was VERY uncomfortable and it made it a bit harder to breath, but it did the job. Got a new shirt and jacket from the number above the one I had before and put them on, looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled happily with the result.

       Just like Mr Chong had told me before, I was gonna start slow. I would mainly do normal security check ups inside the building and he was thoughtful enough to only put me at the entrance on the "dead periods" aka when BTS would be gone so there would not be fans around. Part of me didn't like that because I would feel useless and bored staring at walls inside, but other part of me was happy cause that meant I wouldn't risk crossing Jungkook path, and that was good enough for now.

       I used to be a very happy go lucky kind of girl, always carefree, talking, singing, dancing, smiling and making everyone around me laugh. But people change, some because they want to change, others are forced to....and I was the second option. I still liked to keep those close to me happy and smiling, don't get me wrong or think that I was some kind of monster. But it took a lot of time and effort for me to lower my walls and let someone close enough for me to feel that kind of comfortable with.
      Plus, I was here for work and keep people safe, not to make friends.

       At first that seemed to be a problem with my coworkers, once again, Mr Chong did not lie to me. They really seemed like a family in here, they all got along and played along with each other, from the older ones to the youngsters. From bodyguards to the secretaries, to the managers and even the idols and trainees. They all seemed to be friendly and tried to greet me and give me a warm welcome, but I would just answer coldly and professionally. I would only speak to anyone when I really had to, otherwise I would just nod or simply bow as a greeting and do my job.

       You want to know something funny tho? I would hear some conversations here and there during my routine check ups around the building, and apparently most of my bodyguard coworkers didn't really like me. They thought I was too stuck up and that I must think that I'm better than all of them, which was not true at all, but I guess it was ok for them to think that.
       And now you must be thinking, 'And that is funny how?' Well, the funny part is that I heard some of them talking that there was a part of them that didn't like me for another reason, apparently some of the ladies from the reception thought I was hot and cool.....yes....I guess I did such a good work concealing my female curves and body that people thought I was a guy, and my voice helped since it was kinda raspy and deeper than a normal female voice would be.

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