CHAPTER 11 -Take care

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       My mind was racing almost as fast as my heart, I had not thought about this under this light. The questions Yoongi was making were starting to make some doubts rise within myself. I mean, I can't just spill out to him that Mun first name is Lana and she's actually a girl in spite of what everyone thinks. I can't tell him why she's doing it, because I myself don't know the answer to that one...but I do know that I can't tell him anything or Ki-Moon would kill me for sure, I can't betray his friendship.

       Plus, what Yoongi said about Ki being in love or interested in her in that department, seeing her more than friends, I had never thought about that. Was that the reason why he had been so angry and protective of her since the incident in our home? Part of me thought it was because of what happened with Jimin, or because he was angry at himself for letting that happen to her...never did I think he was angry at me out of...jealousy.

       I was deep in thought, trying to analyze every single detail I could remember about Moon, the way he talks about her, the way he acts around her, the way he looks at her...anything at all that could give me a clue that he was indeed interested in her that way. But suddenly all my thoughts vanished at the words that left Yoongi's mouth.

       "You fucking fell for her, didn't you?" His voice sounded deeper than usual and I could sense a bit of anger in it, even tho his expression was completely blank trying not to show anything.

       "I...I..." My mouth kept opening and closing like a fish out of water, why was I even stuttering? I knew my feelings for her, I didn't fall for her. I mean, I barely know her, she seems nice and all but she's too closed off and for some reason I think she's trying to stay away from us and that intrigues me.

       I love Ki-Moon, he is one of my closest friends, we began to get along really well since his first day working here since we're both the same age and had similar hobbies and temper. I know him, and I care for him, so its only normal that I want to get to know his partner and friend, and of course get along with them if I can right?

       The thing about Lana tho is that she seems close to Moon and they get along great, from what I've seen of her and heard from him she really is a nice why does she try to keep herself away from us? I've noticed she's not that reserved with the other people that work at big why us?

       That intrigues me, and I don't like not knowing things, especially when I can see that she is forcing that on herself, deep down I'm sure she wants to open up to us. I see that Moon worries about whatever that secret is as well, and I know for a fact that all of the boys have nothing against her, they even seem to like her, especially Jimin. Namjoon seems to somehow admire her from her answer that day, Taehyung loves to joke around as always, Hoseok is Hoseok he gets along with everyone, Jungkook is a bit more outside of the loop when it comes to her, and I have even noticed the way Yoongi watches her from far, he cares a bit in his own way.

       I want to know why she acts reserved and close up around us most of the time, I want to know her, understand her and help her.

      "Are you going to answer me or not?" Yoongi snapped hitting his hand on the table between us to catch my attention again, how long have I been drifting off? "Did you fall for her?" He asks again, this time with his voice calmer and the look on his eyes somewhat soft.

       "No...I didn't fall for her" I finally manage to say while slowly shaking my head from side to side, noticing Yoongi take a breath of relieve and arching an eyebrow in confusion as in asking me to elaborate what was going on then. "It's not like that at all, I don't know if Moon likes her that way or not to be honest I had never thought about it that way. But even if he doesn't, all I want from her is to get to know her better, to help I don't understand why he is so mad at me" I finished pursing my lips tightly together.

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