Introducting to riding

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Riding is a sport that requires skill, patience and the love of horses.
The reason to ride is everyone's personal opinion and view. The reason I ride is because it's a therapy and I feel it shapes me to be a stronger person mentally. Horses calm people down and you forget all about your other problems. I call it the " relaxing stage."
Now, riding isn't for everyone. If you are afraid of horses, or have allergies then don't ride. All I am saying is that if you want to ride you should know about the positives and negatives about riding. Riding is a special sport because your riding on a " tame" animal. Tame meaning that the horse can get irritated. You could get stepped on, bucked off, or even get hurt from falling. I am not saying that riding is scary. In every sport your taking a risk. In riding I am taking a risk. I am risking my life to do the sport that I love. Really in my view riding is so fun. When you first start out you use a easy calm horse. Then you slowly work up. I rode sissy the oldest horse, now I am riding Maddie the biggest horse there. Riding takes a lot of courage and some times you might be scared, like if your competing. You should always know that your horse is always there with you. That's the intro to riding.
The next chapters will be more about riding and breeds!
Countrygirl1055 📌

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