Appaloosa horse

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The Appaloosa horse got it's name from the Indian tribe in the states of Oregon, it takes the name from the river Palouse. The coat spots are Lepoard- White with dark spots, Snowflake- White spots all over the body and concerated over the hind quarters, Blanket- The quarters maybe spotted or white, Marble-a mottled pattern over the body and Frost- white specks on a dark backround. The tail is usually spares which the Nez Perce deemed a feature because its not able usually to get tangled in thorns or shrubs. Sometimes a white sclera circles the eyes. The horse has hard sound feet are usually striped. 

" The Appalosa is one of the most special horses, because of its starnge spots and breed colors." ~ Horse of America 


If there is anything other than breeds you want me to make chapters of, comment or message me what you would like me to have chapters of. If no one comments then the next chapter will be about  the rockey moutain horse.

Comment or message what new chapters YOU would like me to make. Has to be about horses, riding or anything related to them and to the book. Thanks ~Countrygirl1055

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