Chapter 18

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You had arrived to Naboo just a few hours ago, and you were preparing for the dance. You had a long and flowing dress in your favorite color, however it was a subtle and classic. Nothing that would make you stand out.

But for Anakin, that was a different story. When he saw you step out into the empty hallway of the palace on Naboo, you took his breath away. He had to even press a hand against a wall so he wouldn't pass out. What had come over him? Was it because he wasn't used to you in such formal- not to mention beautiful- attire? Or was it something more?

"You alright there, Master?" You asked as you approached him. You had to admit, he looked quite dashing himself. "Y-Yeah. Just fine. You ready?" He was quite quick with his responses. "Well I need help with my mask, do you mind tying it on for me in the back?" You asked and Anakin nodded as he gulped. You gently pressed your mask against your face and Anakin took the two silk strands of material on either side of the mask and tied it securely on the back of your head.

Anakin noticed that your dress was an open-back dress. He noticed how smooth your skin looked in such dim lighting. Anakin had to force himself not to press his hand against the small of your back as the two of you walked to the ball-room. As you both entered, you went unnoticed as it was a side entrance. "I don't see anything unusual." You said to Anakin. 

Somehow, some way, you were keeping your cool around Anakin. When in all reality you just wanted to admire him. But you pushed those feelings deep into the bottom of your heart. It was wrong to feel that way about your mentor, especially when he most likely didn't feel the same.

"Well, we are on the side of the ballroom." Anakin said as he moved around to see if he could get a better look into the crowd of dancing couples. You smirked at the idea that popped into your head. "Care to dance, good sir?" You asked as you looked up at Anakin.

When Anakin was getting the jist of dancing with you, he began to get flustered again. He had been so focused on getting this whole dancing thing right that he hadn't even noticed how much more beautiful you looked. To him you were the most gorgeous person in the entire room. "Ow! Okay now you're just stepping on my toes for fun." You reprimanded Anakin and he snapped out of the daze he was in. "N-No, sorry I got distracted." He stuttered as he gulped. 

"And I really thought you were getting the hang of this." You chuckled, Anakin could practically hear the smirk on your face. You shifted uncomfortably, to which Anakin noticed this. "Is something wrong?" Anakin asked genuinely concerned. You shook your head, "Well, the way everything is positioned." You said which left Anakin confused. "Here..." You said as you took a hand of his from your shoulder and gently placed it on the small of your back.

You then took his other hand which was on your other shoulder and intertwined it with yours. "This is how you properly dance, Ani." You chuckled as you could practically feel his anxiousness radiating off of him. Soon, Anakin relaxed, and was left to admire you. Anakin wasn't used to being so close to you. It was so, sweetly, intoxicating.

Which, you noticed this. "Is everything alright?" You asked as you tilted your head to the side slightly. Anakin's rough hand placed gently on your back slightly tensed. "Well, it's just..." Anakin began as his eyes avoided yours. "Hey wait." Anakin said as he let go of you. "Up there." Anakin said as he motioned towards the vents but not trying to make it too obvious. 

The barrel of a sniper rifle was poking out, and when you saw where it's direction was, it was right to senator Amidala. "Protect the Senator, I'll go get the hunter." You said as you ran off, having to squeeze through tiny spaces that were left between people to get away from the crowd. You quickly ran to a vent that had been obviously moved and you crawled into the vent.

Anakin on the other hand, was running to the front. He luckily moved the senator out of the way just as the blaster was fired, narrowly missing both the senator and Anakin. A large gasp ensued and the music stopped. Chaos erupted and everyone began to file out of the ballroom. "Anakin?" The senator breathed out and Anakin had realized his mask had fallen off in the process. Anakin's stomach felt as if it were filled with butterflies. "My apologies senator, just saving your life." He said cockily as he stood up as well as helping the senator up. 

"My goodness, thank you Master Jedi." Anakin heard Rush Clovis state from behind him. Anakin turned around, a quick surge of jealousy filled Anakin but immediately dissipated. "Thank you for saving my wife." Clovis said as he rushed to the female senator and held her tightly. Anakin felt his heart breaking again, he hated having to revisit the old wound. "Of course senators." He said respectfully as he bowed.

In that moment he thought of you, he excused himself and contacted you through your com-link. "Y/N, where are you?" He asked and he heard your rapid breathing. "Oh you know- Just chasing after a- ow- bounty hunter!" You exclaimed, he could hear quick footsteps of yours and the bounty hunter's in the background. "At the back of the palace in the gardens." You said, followed with more heavy breathing. "I'm on my way." Anakin said as he ran off to meet you once more.

While Anakin had been taking care of the senators you were chasing after a bounty hunter that tried to evade you in the vents of the palace. You had lost your heels somewhere in the process and your mask, not minding that you were barefoot and running through a garden. With one clenched fist you had your dress balled up so you wouldn't trip, and with the other hand you had your lightsaber in your hand, which had yet to be ignited.

Soon a bush caught your dress, pulling you back, thankfully Anakin had caught up to speed and took your place in chasing the bounty hunter. You forced your way out of the bush, tearing your dress up to your mid thigh, as well as creating a gash on the side of your leg. You ran after them, and with your new freedom you were able to create less distance between you and the bounty hunter.

When you caught up to the bounty hunter you tackled them. After rolling for a few moments you felt yourself falling. You reached your hand out to grasp onto anything you could, effectively grabbing onto a ledge. "Y/N!" You heard Anakin scream. The bounty hunter had grasped onto your leg, pulling you down. You had to save the bounty hunter, as well as yourself. The bounty hunter looked down, she had decided the cowardly way out. She let go of your leg and began to fall to her death. You outstretched your free hand, catching her using the Force. With all your might you lifted her back to safety where Anakin could detain her.

After you had lifted her to safety you worked on trying to pull yourself back up. But to no use, you had become to weak to do a simple pull up. You were slipping and trying to regain some grip at the same time. You tried once more to pull yourself up or to even bring a leg up to the ledge but it was no use. You suddenly felt lighter, and lighter. You were beginning to fly, but it wasn't by your doing. When you could see over the ledge, you could see Anakin using the Force to lift you out of harms way. 

Anakin gently carried you over to him, to safety, in his arms. Once he let you go you fell just a few centimeters and into his arms. "Are you okay?" Anakin asked, out of breath. You as well out of breath nodded as you looked up at him and into his eyes. Anakin found you even more stunning, your hair down and untamed from running, your rebellious dress that had been torn earlier. And you, you felt your heart racing a million miles per hour, with your thoughts wildly spinning as you looked up at Anakin.

Anakin had you secured in his arms, his hands on your bare back, and your arms as, well as your torso were pressed against him. You both were in a state of limbo, in complete silence, and stillness. Neither of you knew what to say, nor did you know what to do.

What was happening? 

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