chapter two.

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EVERYONE SEEMED caught up in their chatting. The hallway was bigger than anything I'd ever seen. Why would a school need to be this big? There were two stories to the school. My classes totaled up to 7, and weren't actually very long like my last school. Staring at the schedule, my eyes read the paper for my locker combination.


I walked to my locker, but not without looking around some more. It didn't seem like people payed attention much to their surroundings. I would've though me of all people would get looks, and I probably did. I don't exactly look clean considering my clothing. Not to say everyone here was like that, but most people seemed to wear stylish clothing. Stuff I would have never dream of wearing.

My locker was blue, next to it stood a girl with bright red hair. She had on a skirt, that appeared to pass her knees. As I approached she turned her head.

My perfect brow raised, "New?"

I nodded unsure of what to say.

"Cleo." She stuck her hand out.

It was odd that a stranger could be to forward and nice. I didn't think all people were bad, but the mass majority seemed to be. Doesn't mean people can't change.

Shrugging, I took her very pale hand into my brown one.

Cleo was really pretty, her eyes were the palest of blues, her pink lips complimented her white as snow skin, and like me freckles traced her face. But she looked a lot better than I did. I have to admit I was a little jealous. That wouldn't stop from befriending her.

"Clementine." I finally said.

"That's so cute. I can call you Clem."

Out of curiosity I ask, "I don't mean to be rude, but why are you trying to be friends? I just got here and it's odd you're so open." I tried not to should so nonchalant, but I was generally curious .

"Honestly, I am encouraged to greet every new student. So I kind of sit and wait near their locker, and boom I'm there."

Her bright personality caused me to smile a bit. It was nice that she did this. I probably wouldn't have made friends until the very third week, maybe never.

I was never really good with people. So, I never really expect to make friends where I go. Maybe just find people to talk to. Mom can't really afford to get me a better, so I use a small phone we found at the Dollar Tree. I only use it to call her.

"Well, we better you to class."

I nodded in agreement, "Where is Pre-Cal?"

"Right here."

I hadn't even realized we were walking, I was so caught up in figuring out these classes. I was starting to get nervous. Hoping the teacher would do those stupid, "Get to know me" activities. I will be 17 years old in September is it really necessary for them to that with Juniors and Seniors.

I thanked Cleo before walking inside the classroom, she claimed we would see each other at lunch. But, of course, I doubted that.

The teacher noticed me walk in and so did the few other students that were in. The bell hadn't rang and I was glad, less eyes.


I nodded shyly.

"Welcome to Pre-Cal, I'm Dr. Boat, Eddie Boat. Please take a seat." He motioned his hand to the neatly patterned desks. Nicer than the table we ate on at home. "Be nice." He then said to the class.

My dirty converse took several steps on the freshly cleaned tile. I kind of felt like I was leaving a trail of dirt, but I was probably exaggerating.

I sat in the middle row, not really near anyone. I did not want to attract any attention to myself. I brought my hands to my cheek and stared at the wooden desk until class started.

The bell had finally rang, and this giant zoomed into the class nearly knocking Mr. Boat over."

"Grayson, tardy."

I looked at him, we made eye contact. The guy stood at about 5'11, maybe a bit taller. He was fit. But looked intimidating.

"I'm sorry, won't happen again." You could hear the amusement in his voice.

"I'm sure it won't."

I was pretty sure it happened a lot.

Shrugging, I pulled out a Clementine as Mr. Boat began his lesson.
Pre-Cal was a definite drag, he went over the basics from Trig, which I found to be helpful. I watched as Clementine figure got bigger as she made her way to me.

I smiled, "Hello."

"How was it?"


"I bet. Come on let's get you up stairs to your next class."

I figured the rest of the day would be like this, I was new and I didn't expect much out of it.
taking a while for clem and gray to actually cross paths. i want grayson to be an butt to her first before they actually come in contact more than once.

maybe they'll meet next chapter who knows.

skye :)

CLEMENTINE ; grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now