chapter five.

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I WOKE up, my head was pounding, I felt achy. I rubbed my eyes a bit just to take in my surroundings, and immediately plopped my head back.


I was unsure about how long I had been out, but I knew it was morning. The brightness of the sun had peered through the sheer curtains in the room. I was in someone's bed, unsure of who's. Getting up I checked my phone.


The clock read.

Mr. Boat was going to be pissed. I was now deciding whether or not if I should stay here or just go on to school. Not wanting my parents to get any suspicions, I grabbed my keys and headed to the door. I noticed Ethan passed out drunk next to some random girl. Typical him. I did not bother to wake him either, he gives not one shit about school.

The sun was bright, but the weather wasn't too warm. It hurt my damn eyes that's for sure.


The clock read.

Getting in my vehicle, I decided to quickest way to make it to school would be to speed. But I saw no point being that I was already late. No backpack, what the hell was I going for. Thank god, I don't get blackout drunk like Ethan.

My thoughts shifted to yesterday when I payed for green eye's grocery. You could look at her and tell her and her family struggled. I didn't know her story much, and I don't think I really cared. But it always feels good to do a good deed. I couldn't really help but think about what her name was. She seemed quiet and shy, like she didn't get out much. She isn't particular a girl I would go for, and not only due to the rags she was wearing. But her plain appearance. She was okay looking.

As I made it to school the time read, 8:15. I was thankful to have made it before 8:30.

Taking my keys, I rushed in and rushed to Mr. Boats class not really caring for a pass.

He stopped to look at me.


"I'm aware sir" I really didn't feel like hearing his mouth so I took myself straight to the back of the class. I could feel green eye's watching me. It was obvious she had some sort of infatuation. But I hope she knew I wasn't interested in her. I didn't want to appear mean, but I also did not want to give her the wrong idea.

I got rather annoyed, because I could feel her stare.

I turned her way startling her, and tried to muster up the nastiest look I could.

Her light brown cheeks gained red tint.

I rolled my eyes.

Cute. Plain Jane.
After class was over, I met Veronica at my locker knowing how pissed off she was.

"You did not answer any of texts Grayson. Where were you last night?"


"Yeah, right." She rolled her brown eyes.

I didn't really feel like hearing her mouth either so I planted a small kiss on her mouth. She sighed, "Fine."

I noticed Ethan and Al walking over. What the hell did they want? I don't want them saying anything about the party.


"Relax." Al said defensively.

"Ethan, how the hell are you even awake right now. I know you were at some party, you reek of failure."

"Shut up."

I gave Ethan a warning look.

"Why are you guys over here?"

"He insisted we come talk to you." Al said motioning to Ethan.


I could tell Veronica was listening intently because she stuck her nose in everyone's business. But I put up with it, she had told me so much shit.

Ethan, pointed to a girl with big curly hair.

"Green eyes?" I said a little too loudly earning a look from Veronica.

"Yeah her." Ethan licked his lips.

I figured he had some ulterior motive, because why was he looking at her. Ethan most definitely didn't go for girls like green eyes, so what was his reason for pointing at her. I could tell Veronica was a little jealous because no one was paying much attention to her. She rarely let any girl gain spotlight,  everything was about her.

"What about her?" I shrugged.

"She's hot."

I was almost shocked at Ethan's words. I never really looked at green eye's features, because I had Veronica, and rarely payed attention to girls.

Veronica scoffed, "You're serious? Look at her." She eyed green eye's obvious tattered clothes. I almost felt bad.

"Not really." I shrugged. I didn't want Veronica to potentially cause problems, so I just agreed with her.

"You're kidding. I bet under those baggy close there's a nice b-"

"We get it. But why are you bothering me?"

"You take Pre-Cal with her. Try and get her number for me."

"Dude, no way. How do you know she even has a phone? She could bare-"

I stopped mid sentence, I didn't want to tell her business about me paying for her groceries. "Just do it yourself."

"Come on, bro"

"How about no?"

"Please, dude. You don't have to like her. Just this one solid. I'll owe you."

"Fine, I'll talk to her at lunch."

"What!?" Veronica said a little too loudly.

"I owe you big time." He winked.

I rolled my eyes at my brothers childish behavior. It's shocking he still hasn't learned his actions have consequences, I hope he lets up his senior year. Or he'll end up dead somewhere. I shook my head removing the negative thoughts. I didn't really want to talk to green eyes because I knew how jealous Veronica could get, and I didn't want to attract any attention to myself.

Especially with her.
im dreading school

skye :)

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