chapter four.

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I TUGGED at my huge jacket, that kept falling off my shoulders. It wasn't necessarily cold, but grocery stores were always freezing. I was expecting to get much, which means less bags to carry. Walking in I noticed how packed it was. Maybe a few sales were going on.

"Hi Clem!" Sandra greeted me. She was the sweetest woman I had ever met, who managed this grocery store.

"Hey Sandra." I smiled.

"How's your mom?"

"She okay, you know making it possible. We recently moved to the apartments out here." I explained.

"Your mom told me. Well it was nice to see you sweetheart. Take care, and if you need anything, your mom has my number."

I nodded taking a store basket.

Walking straight to the dairy isle, I grabbed the cheapest milk they had. Mom only left about 20, so I didn't want to over spend it knowing she might need some change. I had a couple of quarters on me, so hopefully that would help if I somehow managed to go over the limit.

Let's see.

"Where are you, eggs?" I ask myself focusing on the dairy area.

There you are. I grabbed a small package, hoping it would suffice for the remainder of the week.

Groceries were getting expensive.

I noticed the area that contained fruit and vegetables, I feel like I had enough to grab a few clementines. But I didn't want mom to be upset with me. Frowning, I walked to grab the rest of what we needed for the week.

I was always stressed when, I got to check out. It was embarrassing to think I didn't have enough. Especially with people staring and waiting for you. My cheeks began to heat up.


Walking up with the basket, I set the Items on the counter.

"Milk." Ring.

"Eggs." Ring.

"Orange Juice." Ring.

"Bread." Ring.

"Alright, sweetie your total is 14.80. Cash or card?"


I felt in my pocket and noticed that I seemed short on cash. I think left the $20 home. Only pulling $4 out of my pocket.

Did I drop it?

"Are you alright hun?"

"I-I think I dropped some of my cash. I don't have enough" I sighed.

"I'm sorry. Do you need me to put these back?"

"Wait. I got it." A familiar voice spoke up.

I noticed it was the guy from class earlier, Grayson. He had two packs of beer in his store cart which made me wonder where he was off to.

"You don't have to." I spoke honestly.

"It's alright." He shrugged. I moved out of the way so he could push his store cart up. Beer? was he 21?

Nonsense, Clementine.

"Do you have ID?"

"Yeah." He pulled out an ID. My eyes widened, 21 in the 11th grade?

The cashier checked it out. Nodding she handed it back to him. I didn't say much, I just let Grayson pay for our items. He was finished, "Like I said don't worry about it. It was so big deal."

"I ca-"

"No need to pay me back. You're having trouble enough."

I didn't want to let that comment offend me, but it did.

I nodded grabbing the bags he gave me.

"By the way, fake ID." He winked then walked off to his car.

I shook my head, I need to check the time, but I had no way of doing so. I assumed it was closer to 5pm. Meaning I needed to hurry and pick up my siblings.

I heard a loud engine, and noticed a fancy looking sports car, leaving the parking lot.

It shocked me that he actually payed for my item, most people wouldn't do that. Not even if you begged. But I figured it hurt his ego a bit. I could tell he was somewhat the talk of the school, and he was loaded. His car said it all.

Still, I don't really like his attitude nor his cockiness.
omg i need stop

i enjoy writing this though

skye :)

CLEMENTINE ; grayson dolanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora