chapter ten.

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It was around 7:00 pm, and I was finishing up my look for the party tonight. I hadn't heard much from Ethan today, and wasn't even sure if he was actually coming. But I still put in the effort to get ready despite how I felt. I tried pushing away any nerves I had not wanting to appear scared.

I heard my phone vibrate on the table. Knowing it was Ethan, I quickly took one last look at my freshly straightened hair before kissing my mom goodbye.

I kind of felt as if I was overreacting, but I was so nervous. As I came outside, I saw Ethan rush to open the car door for me on the passenger side. I hurried over thanking him before I sat inside the car. I could feel his eyes looking at me, but I ignored it.

"You look nice." He complimented as he gets back in his car.

I thanked.

It went silent as he backed out of the parking lot. I mean not that I was expecting much conversation. My nerves were bad, and I was in too much though to even care to speak.

"Don't be so nervous. You'll be fine. I'll have your back cutie." He said.

It almost made my heart flutter. I'm still not completely sure why Ethan wanted to randomly start talking to me, but I was not complaining.

About 15 minutes had gone by before we pulled up to fairly large home. It was bigger than mine at least. I noticed a ton of people, lights, and the very obvious music. I looked over to Ethan for any form of comfort.

"You ready?"

I shrugged.

With that he just got out the car and went up to the house. Confused, I sat there wondering if he was just expecting me to get up and go on my own. I sighed before gathering up the nerve to unlock the passenger door then open it. Getting out of the car slowly, I looked around before heading up to where I say Ethan go. It really upset that he just left me back here. But he was probably just excited.

I walk the home and people our age all around dancing, fairly drunk, kissing, or playing games. The scene made me quite uncomfortable, but I kept walking in. I swallows the lump forming in my throat before I noticed Ethan coming back with a cup in his hand.

"I didn't mean to leave you like that. I did get you a soda." He smiled.

I grinned, "Thank you."

He held out his hand for me to grab it and I gladly took it. I followed him where the music was getting a bit quieter, but not entirely. You could still hear the horrible thumps throughout the house.

We finally made it to a room, I immediately noticed Grayson, with Veronica on his lap.

I quickly shifted my attention to Ethan holding my hand. We sat down on a couch next to the rest of their friends. It was really awkward for me since, I didn't know any of them and they were most likely judging me. I just kept my mouth shut.

Chatter went one, and I was there quiet. I didn't feel like I had much to contribute as they were talking about various things I had not experienced. Yes, I was a virgin. Not that it bothered me, but I'm almost an adult.

Veronica broke me out of thought, "New girl. Where are you from?"

I rolled my eyes in my head, but was polite nonetheless, "I am from here."

"No. Like I mean where do you live?" I could tell she was doing that on purpose. My heart was racing, but I was getting slightly annoyed. She continued, "It's obvious you're not from around here like the rest of us."

I heard snickers from around the room. I just say quietly. Ethan squeezed my head, which calmed me down quite a bit. I don't understand why she felt the need to always want to pick a fight with me. I've only met her twice.

"Veronica, why don't you shut up." Grayson snapped.

I really wasn't expecting Grayson to speak up for me. So, I looked at him to see him looking at me.

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're a bitch all the time." Grayson wanting to shout at her, I could tell.

"You always take up for people who serve no interest to you, I don't get it. You don't give a damn about her no one does!"


I let go of Ethan's hand and excused myself. I looked at him with pleading eyes and he obliged. I was going to sit in there and that from a stuck up bitch. I have been through too much. I don't think, I was necessarily insecure, but I am very sensitive to people pointing out what I don't have.

I found myself a semi-quiet area. No one was around, so I just say on the floor.

I hear foot steps coming my way, but I had no interest in seeing who it was. I just wanted Ethan to take me back. But I know he really didn't want to leave the party.


"I looked up to see Grayson."

"Hi." I breathed.

He sat down besides in the same position. Not even sure how someone as big as he is could secure himself such a position. The thought made me chuckle in my head.

"I'm sorry about her," He started, "She can be a fucking bitch sometimes. I wonder why I even bother with her. She's so hot. Yeah, that's probably why." I'm sure he was thinking out loud.

"It's okay. I had to deal with things like that growing up for the most part," I said. I never really opened up to anyone, but I felt like I could tell Grayson. We were not super close, but I felt calm around him. I began again, "I didn't really have a father growing up. Not to make it sad, but my mother took care of me and my two younger siblings. She worked two job."

"You didn't have to." He smiled sympathetically.

But I wanted no sympathy.

"I can take you home?" He offered.

"What about Veronica?"

"She's probably flirting with some douche. Come on it's late. I know you're not a party animal." He grinned.

"Thanks." I laughed.

Was not really expecting to get alone with Grayson as well as I did. But I felt there was more to him than meets the I.

skye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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