Chapter 2

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ended up forgetting about our whole standoff after school and went to work by rollerblading and changed into my uniform, a black T-shirt and a light blue skirt with black trimming along with an apron and of course my rollerblades. It happened to be A very busy day there happened to be more customers than usual and I was very confused as to why, not remembering the earlier standoff so I had to do multiple maneuvers along the tables to be able to work comfortably and I didn't notice as I was skating low to the floor when I had to pick up a bottle one of the middle schoolers had dropped that Ryan and his posse came in. I handed the bottle to the boy and went to the counter. I grabbed a meal and jumped over the legs of a boy who tried to trip me. Smiling sickly sweet at him before heading to the table to give the meal to a couple high schoolers and going to another table to take orders. The boy who tried to trip me called out for more water and was starting to piss me off.

"Mariana can you get more water for table seven?!" I called out"



I turned back to take more orders and took them to the window for the kitchen, hanging it up. I saw a tray of food and saw it was for table eight which happened to be Ryan's table. I only noticed when I turned to the table and had to pass by table seven where the annoying teenage was seated. Again they he tried to trip me and lifted his leg much higher still I managed to clear the jump by tucking my legs right under me as I jumped. And landed the jump perfectly placing the tray on the table where Ryan's posses sat.

I slowly came to a stop at table seven

"If you keep harassing me and my coworkers like that I'm afraid we'll have to ask you to leave the diner so please refrain from doing so. Thank you"

I left and continued to give trays to tables. Again I was given a tray for table eight so I took it and simply skated right under the leg of the teenage boy placing the tray on the table.

"Is there anything else you would like?"

"You" one of the boys said

"I'm sorry but I'm not on the menu and have a boyfriend so please keep it in your pants and order"

"Fine. A chocolate milkshake then. By the way my names Matt. What's yours?"

"Me? I'm none of your concern" I answered and skated away hanging up the order for the milkshake

The day continued with the harassment and orders. It ended with a ban on the guy who kept harassing us and was a good day for all I can say.

Sorry if it was short but I had a bit of writer's block. That's no excuse but I do hope you enjoyed this chapter

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