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2 years after Glory left.


"How are we still unable to find her!?" Alpha Hunter yelled, frustrates that the search for his mate hadn't advanced.

"I don't know. She could be dead but she still sends me texts and posts on her Snapchat stories. She just never posts about her location or any images of people, including herself. She says she's fine though, so that's gotta count for something, right?" Chase said. He was just as worried as the rest of us for Glory.

"Why don't we go interview her previous mate, Resident Fuckboy Ryan, current Alpha of the Diamond Eye pack. He should know something" I blurted.

"Previous mate? Why have you never mentioned this?" Hunter asked.

"Well, he rejected her, which is the reason she came here" I answered.

Ten hours later.

We were at the Diamond Eye Packhouse knocking on the door. A handsome man answered the door with the aura of an Alpha, Ryan.

"Do you need something?" The little botch beside him asked. She was pretty and apparently the Luna of this pack.

"Yes. Do you know the current whereabouts of your former pack member, Glory Moon?" Hunter asked.

"Why do you ask? The little bitch must've done something in your pack right?" Ryan replied.

"No. She is my mate and she disappeared on her way to find her second chance mate. Me" hunter relied easily, wanting to rub it in.

"No sorry. Once the little bitch left, she never came back. Why do you care though? It's not as if she's hot or anything"

"Because she's my mate and I need to find her. Why wouldn't I have a reason to worry of her. And from the images Tiffany has shown me, she's quite beautiful" Hunter said.

Truth is, about a year after she disappeared, she posted an image on her story and there was a mirror that showed her reflection. The reflection showed that she had developed much more and was very beautiful. Wherever she was, she had been well cared for.

"Dude, you must be blind to think that Glory Moon is pretty. The little shit's ugly as can be" Ryan is the only shit here.

In the end, we left with little information about her.

Yay! I'm proud of myself for double updating for once but I'm out of ideas and I need someone to helpppp. I initially started this story as a random thing but once I posted it i became nervous and dry with it lmao. Help 🥺💜🥺💜🥺💜🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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