White wings make you fly 1/2 chapter 2

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Ch. 2 Spreading One's Wings

It's funny, you think all your life one way and then something hits you telling you you're wrong. It isn't so much being wrong that bothers you; it's that now you think differently then you did. You're whole existence and thought process was a lie. It's hard to swallow, it's like growing up all your life believing your parents are god or something and finding out their just a poor farmer.

What else could I do but run from the truth that I feared so much? Did I long for freedom? Yes I did with all my heart. Did I want to believe him? Of course I did. But was I willing to take the leap from slave to absolute freedom? This is the part I worried about. I didn't know what was out there, I didn't know how to dress and I certainly didn't know what kind of people where out there and how they would treat me. What if I where just to become a slave again? What if I starved to death? I didn't know what was out there...

I thought about this as I ran, feeling the air run through my hair, it made me almost want to close my eyes and just enjoy it, but that of course was a stupid thing to do if you're running. But now that I thought of it, he said I had wings which would mean I could fly if they grew. Flying, somehow it sounded amazing, something in me longed for it. I sat down at the fountain in the courtyard catching my breath looking up at the darkening sky.

If I had wings, there would be nothing to stop me from leaving. The world that seemed so small was so big outside these walls. And what I wouldn't give to be away from that room they put me in when they think I have thoughts of escaping... I never did until now though.


I looked up and smiled in relief, it was the master's son Jurar. "Hello young master." I said softly inclining my head.

"You look upset, what's wrong?" he said sitting next to me.

I felt his warmth, and his concern wash over me. I had always felt attached to Jurar, as a sister would to her brother it would seem. I could speak to him about anything, and yet this one thing perhaps should be kept to myself. I don't know if he would understand, or how he would react. If the master knew what had happened, I'd hate to think of how he'd react towards me or his son. "A man wanted to do something with me, I got scared and I... I told a lie to him to get away."

"Did he believe you?"

I looked down and nodded gravely as if I had committed a serious crime.

"Well that was a very bad thing, and father will need to be told. However, it is good you refused him; many of the royal court carry sickness because they mate with so many. It causes the women unable to bear children."


"So I've been told, perhaps it's just a silly rumor to keep the king loyal to his queen." Jurar said almost laughing.

"To keep him loyal she has to lie though, lying isn't nice."

"It's not but everyone lies Precious, even you lied today. Even though you will be punished for it, it can be necessary." I frowned, thought I rarely got to see the young master because he was always off at boarding school, he had always been a kind of friend of mine. This was the first time I had spoken to him in a few months, and I was also surprised he did not seek me out or call for me. He had already been here for a few weeks, and he would always call for me with another gift from school, until then he didn't like to be disturbed. I hadn't realized he had become some what of a snob. It scared me, because it reminded me oddly of his mother, and his mother was not a nice woman by any means.

"Young master, has anything happened recently? You seem a bit... off color."

He frowned and furrowed his brow. "Off color?" He thought about it for a moment, and then he glared at me. "My personal life is none of your business; I should have you whipped for even considering such a thing."

I looked at him with sad innocent eyes, I almost wanted to cry. This was Jurar, the boy I grew up with, the boy I first kissed, my big brother when the servants bullied me, my playmate. He was even the one who stood up for me, the one who wanted me to have a better bed so he might crawl into mine if he got scared at night. "Jurar..." I said heart broken; my heart was in my throat.

"I can't stop thinking about that night." He finally said after a long silence. "The night I was supposed to sleep with you intimately. Perhaps I should have taken it as an opportunity like my father told me to. I can't believe I'm at your mercy now, a slave!" he rambled talking to himself more then me. "I need you to-"

"No." I said terrified knowing exactly what his intentions where.

A smack echoed in the courtyard, and eerie silence and only the trickling of the fountain followed. It took me a moment, before I realized he had hit me. I had never been struck by Jurar, not even a harsh word. I stared at him horrified and his face... turned twisted. "You dare say no to me? Look what you made me do!"

For the second time today, I ran away. He called after me, demanding I come back but of course to noble to run after a slave. I ran all the way to his mother, who took one look at me and simply laughed. "Not only are you late but your face is red on one side. I take it you found out about my son's engagement?"


"No? A pity I spoiled the surprise, but we are to short on time to discuss why your late or what happened. Sit." She motioned to four servants on the wall to come and do my hair and make-up. "Your body will be covered in fine oil, do not touch anything and do not dance too much. Did you grab your garments from your room?"

"No ma'am I didn't have time." I said struggling for breath.

"Gertrude you are becoming a pain. Mila, go fetch the slaves garments."

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