White wings make you fly Ch.4 (fixed again)

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Chapter 4: An Adventure Begins


I stayed in the room for another full day, I bathed, and I read. I didn't speak to Emilio or the Seer, I was too nervous about what was to come. The Seer knew perfectly well what was going to happen, and I knew questioning him let alone fighting with him would do no good. Perhaps it was best I did not know.

They both didn't mind my strange silence, they where busy preparing. So when I decided to slip out, neither of them took notice. I was a slave for one more day, and I wanted to remember the past.

 I walked down the halls and in a few rooms; the place was basically deserted besides people cleaning. I could see myself, in every room that I passed or went through. I was a child asking for the master's help reading a word, his wife was upset the day before about me reading and had struck me; my eye was black. Another room where Jurar and I had spared and I had won, I had to sit in the dark room for a day because I had injured him. Every room, I realized that I had thought was a good memories, was tainted. I was always a slave, why did I ever think differently. Why was I almost willing to stay here?

Simple, I realized as I passed a room where they had just realized something was growing on my back; I did it to survive. I deceived myself to survive being inside these walls all my life and being put in that room over and over again. If I hadn't, I would have very well gone insane.

"Precious." I didn't turn around; it was the master's son calling my name. He wasn't Jurar as far as I was concerned; Jurar was the boy I grew up with, not this monster of a shadow to his father. "Precious." He called his voice hard towards me.

Still I would not turn, instead I kept walking. That was not my name, so why answer it. "Look at me or you'll be whipped slave!"

I turned, glaring so hard he flinched back as if I had hit him. "Yes young master?" I replied harshly.

"W-where have you been?" he demanded a bit uneasily.

"In the dark room, for a week; no food."

"Well I knew that." He replied rolling his eyes. "I meant were where you these last three days?" He said coming near me

I growled under my breath; I wanted to throw something at him, something glass that was sharp enough to cut his pretty little-

"Owe." He cried out flinching back looking around. Touching his cheek he pulled his hand away, blood was trickling out into the palm of his hand. I could see the bright red against his pale cheek; smell the tainted iron smell in the air. "How in the hell..."

My eyes widened as I stared at the blood. Was it coincidence or had I really just... no it was impossible. I'd never done that before it must be coincidence. "If you knew where I was you should know I have been sick, and since my scars are gone I'm at the Seer's side though I don't know how helpful I've been since I've been ill." I answered still staring at the blood.

"So it's true, your scars are really gone?" He asked whipping away the blood with the cuff of his sleeve.

I frowned. "Why do you sound so happy about this?"

"It means you can be my mistress, without the scars it's impossible that your still a winged one so if I got you pregnant-" He said happily coming even closer to me.

I flinched back as he came towards me to touch my hand. "Do not touch me." I snapped.

His brow furrowed and the angry look came back into his eyes, the possessive look. "You are my slave, I can touch you anyway I please." He replied grabbing my arm. "And you will obey, and like everything I do to you whenever it pleases me to do so."

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